action #25952
closedopenQA Tests (public) - action #20378: [tools]Too many 502 on openqa
action #23320: [tools][sprint 201709.2][sprint 201710.1][sprint 201710.2] move locks/mutexes/barriers/job restarts out of scheduler
[tools][sprint 201710.1][sprint 201710.2] Reset Job state in Worker also when we loose current_host (due to persistent failures while contacting webserver)
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Updated by EDiGiacinto over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from [tools] Reset Job state in Worker also when we loose current_host (due to persistent failures while contacting webserver) to [tools][sprint 201710.1][sprint 201710.2] Reset Job state in Worker also when we loose current_host (due to persistent failures while contacting webserver)