action #25910
closed[sle][feature] Test feature 322984 - Drop empathy in favor of pidgin
Start date:
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Empathy is more or less unmaintained in upstream GNOME (and so is Telepathy, the IM framework).
I would suggest we drop empathy in SLED/WE 13 and only ship pidgin.
We might want to write a pidgin plugin to import empathy account informations and logs.
Updated by jtzhao over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Tested on SLE 15 Alpha5. empathy is already removed. Only pidgin is available.
Updated by cachen over 7 years ago
please follow my yesterday updated email? feature 322984 will keep in Yifan's team, you don't need take this.
Updated by jtzhao over 7 years ago
Your email was sent on 06:50pm yesterday. Before that, I've already finished the test. I can't read an email which is sent in the future.
This issue is merely created to track my progress.