action #2552
closedaction #2520: Implement Factory-Tested Manager
Check factory state
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
4.00 h
We need to verify we can actually snapshot factory. For that we need to check:
- if openSUSE:Factory repos are all published/unpublished without being dirty
- if openSUSE:Factory:Live is all published without being dirty
For that, we have to check the results:
osc api /build/openSUSE:Factory/_result?code=failed
will give you XML and the repos in there look like that:
result project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="standard" arch="i586" code="building" state="building"
(this is not ready)
or result project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="images" arch="local" code="blocked" state="blocked"
(not ready either)
or result project="openSUSE:Factory" repository="ports" arch="armv6l" code="unpublished" state="unpublished"
(this would be ready)
i.e. not dirty and published or unpublished
Updated by coolo almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Assignee set to coolo
Updated by coolo almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved