action #24910
closedfind external BT seeders
put torrent in separate directories, ask for volunteers to seed
Torrents are created using /work/cd/bin/
This requires make_torrent and dump_torrent from git/libtorrent/examples
To build: zypper in boost-devel libtorrent-rasterbar-devel libtorrent-devel
Updated by lnussel almost 7 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-04-09 to 2018-05-23
- Start date changed from 2018-04-05 to 2018-05-19
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- Category deleted (
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
- Due date changed from 2018-05-23 to 2018-05-24
- Category set to Infrastructure
- Assignee set to tampakrap
- Start date changed from 2018-05-19 to 2018-05-22
Theo, can you take care of this? Should be enough next week.
Updated by bmwiedemann over 6 years ago
I managed to build the required make_torrent and dump_torrent from git/libtorrent/examples
(required zypper in boost-devel libtorrent-rasterbar-devel libtorrent-devel )
but the register_torrent script/binary is missing to tell the tracker, so the .torrent files dont work yet.
Updated by bmwiedemann over 6 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
- % Done changed from 0 to 20
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
Theo also created one and I put it on the server now but I wonder how this is supposed to work. someone would have to seed it actually
Updated by bmwiedemann over 6 years ago
.torrent does not work:
Tracker: [Failure reason "torrent not found"]
so probably the registering in the tracker did not work for Theo either.
Updated by bmwiedemann over 6 years ago
At 2018-05-25 20:36 wrote David Kronlid:
This one:
Is a torrent with 1868 x 2 MiB chunks. And seems to be created manually
in transmission on may 25. Has around 150 in swarm right now.This one:
Created automagically with mirrorbrain, is a torrent with 14944 x 256
KiB chunks. Has around 690 in swarm right now.They both create iso files with the same hashes.
By the way, the tracker doesn't recognize any of them, so all clients
find each other through other trackers or through PEX or DHT.Please forward to anyone who takes care of torrents or to the hero-list
of the persons taking care of torrents are there.
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
so any progress here? Do we need the torrents at all?
Updated by tampakrap over 6 years ago
In software.o.o all links in point to -Current, eg press "Pick Mirror", you get to This also points to the wrong torrent (the -Current.torrent one, that is created by mirrorbrain and it is not working). Can't we have software.o.o to point to the correct locations instead of the -Current ones?
Updated by lnussel over 6 years ago
Updated by tampakrap over 6 years ago
also, it would be good to have a link to the torrent and the magnet next to the links about the direct link, metalink etc
Updated by lnussel about 6 years ago
- Copied to action #47600: find external BT seeders added