



action #174910


coordination #169657: [epic] Handle test fixes and adjustments

Add ltss to SLES15SP5 migration testsuites and their support images testsuites

Added by zoecao 2 months ago. Updated 27 days ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:



SLES15SP5 is going to enter LTSS on 2025-01-01, so we need to add ltss to SCC_ADDONS settings and 15SP5 LTSS codes for the testsuites in the Migration/ Milestone/ Yam Support images groups, for the scenarios of SLES15SP5.
Besides, remember that also need to add the ltss registration code setting: SCC_REGCODE_LTSS, the codes could be found from the [Yast Maintenance Update group's jobs] setting or from openqa Medium types (search 15-SP5 Server-DVD-Updates), if can not find ltss codes in Medium types, then generate codes from

Acceptance criteria

AC1 : Add ltss to SCC_ADDONS setting for SLES15SP5 scenarios in Migration/milestone/Yam Support images groups.
AC2 : Add the required ltss registration code setting: SCC_REGCODE_LTSS

Actions #1

Updated by zoecao about 1 month ago

In migration job group build59.1, the ha conflict is caused by non-added ltss for 15sp5:
Already verified that the issue will not be reproducible if adding ltss:
VR: [support image]; [migration]
So I submit a MR to add ltss to all 15sp5 scenarios:


Actions #2

Updated by zoecao about 1 month ago ยท Edited

The MR to add ltss to 15SP5 support images and migration testsuites was merged.
Triggered the related jobs, found some of support images testsuites still need further changes for their ay profile:
For example testsuite: supp_sles15sp5, its's profile hardcode the modules as:

  <suse_register t="map">
    <addons t="list">
      <addon t="map">
      <addon t="map">
      <addon t="map">

so even if the ltss is added to SCC_ADDONS setting, it is still not registered during installation. Need to update the profile as below:

    <do_registration config:type="boolean">true</do_registration>
    <install_updates config:type="boolean">true</install_updates>
    % if (keys %$addons) {
    <addons config:type="list">
        % while (my ($key, $addon) = each (%$addons)) {
            <name><%= $addon->{name} %></name>
            <version><%= $addon->{version} %></version>
            <arch><%= $addon->{arch} %></arch>
            % if ($key eq 'we' and $check_var->('SLE_PRODUCT', 'sles')) {
            <reg_code><%= $get_var->('SCC_REGCODE_WE') %></reg_code>
            % }
            % if ($key eq 'ltss') {
            <reg_code><%= $get_var->('SCC_REGCODE_LTSS') %></reg_code>
            % }
            % if ($key eq 'ha') {
            <reg_code><%= $get_var->('SCC_REGCODE_HA') %></reg_code>
            % }
        % }

The following testsuites need to be updated:

  • supp_sles15sp5
  • supp_sles15sp5_all
  • supp_sles15sp5_desktop_all
  • supp_sles15sp5_desktop

For all arches of x86_64, s390x and aarch64.

Actions #3

Updated by JERiveraMoya about 1 month ago

  • Tags set to qe-yam-feb-sprint-fy25
  • Status changed from New to Workable
  • Priority changed from Normal to High
  • Parent task set to #169657
Actions #4

Updated by zoecao about 1 month ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • Assignee set to zoecao
Actions #5

Updated by zoecao about 1 month ago

Submit a PR to add ltss to sles15sp5 testsuites, checked the sles15sp4 ay profiles, add ltss as:

<addon t="map">

And I found some sles15sp6 support images testsuites are also using sles15sp5 ay profiles, but 15SP6 is not into ltss yet, so create ay profiles for those sles15sp6 testsuites.
VRs: [sles15sp5]; [sles15sp6]

Actions #7

Updated by zoecao 27 days ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved

The PR and MR were merged, and checked today's build results of SLES15SP5 and SLES15SP6 jobs in support images group, all worked well, so resolve here, thanks.


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