action #174175
open[security][tumbleweed] Add setroubleshootd tests
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
8.00 h
We need to be able to test setroubleshoot automatically so we could catch downgrades or issues in advance to bring better usability to the users.
What should be tested:
- setroubleshootd
- systemd service has no issue when called
- daemon is dbus activated
- policykit restrict direct usage only to setroubleshoot user
Acceptance Criteria¶
- Create a test that runs on SELinux enabled Tumbleweed system, with auditd
- Install the package setroubleshoot-server, check that it installs setroubleshoot-plugins automatically
- Check setroubleshootd DBus activation via systemd service. Check if is-active shows inactive at first, then after restart shows active at first but after about 15 seconds it should be no longer active again.
- Check setroubleshootd invoking via polkit as root, see /usr/share/dbus-1/system.d/org.fedoraproject.SetroubleshootFixit.conf
Further Information¶
Ask for details from for example Zdenek Kubala if something is unclear, or from this ticket's author.
Updated by tjyrinki_suse 15 days ago
- Related to action #174178: [security][tumbleweed] Add sealert tests to setroubleshootd added
Updated by amanzini 9 days ago ยท Edited
tests are in a good shape:
waiting for clarification about the ac4 (asked on slack) and left a comment on confluence page