tickets #171157
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #171232: [Regression][Network] Network components of regression tests
[Regression][Network] Network Manager: NetworkManager detect card
1.1 card should be detected as GSM, or CDMA (If it is possible, please test
with GSM and CDMA card separately)
1.2 Insert this card, then Reboot system
1.3 plug out 3G card, then plug in again.
# Only CDMA available in Beijing office, so duplicate with case 1369662. Disable it.
Expected Result:
VP1.1 Perform command ""dmesg"", then check Vendor ID and Product of
card. If Vendor ID and Product ID be defined in
/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-modem.fdi , this card
should be detected automatically as HSDPA, GSM or CDMA (left click
network connection icon, HSDPA, GSM, or CDMA connection should be in
Network Manager applet menu).
VP1.2 After reboot, the card should be detected again.
VP1.3 The card should be detected again.
Updated by GraceWang 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150287: [Regression][Network] Network Manager: NetworkManager detect card added