tickets #170875
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #170836: [Regression][PackageKit] Package kit component of regression tests
[Regression][PackageKit] Package kit: Verify that Package kit can update Package Kit
Install package: update-test-affects-package-manager
This package is provided on the media until end of Beta phase.
All update-test-* will be removed latest with GMC.
The regular update channel used for testing contains an update for update-test-affects-package-manager, it no update exist during Beta phase, report to Maintenance team to create one.
The updates triggers a restart of package-kit by flag:
The package update-test-affects-package-manager should be update successfully and will pop up a icon in the system tray to trigger a restart.
- Install package: update-test-affects-package-manager
vp.1 The package update-test-affects-package-manager should be update successfully and will pop up a icon in the system tray to trigger a restart.
(The updates triggers a restart of package-kit by flag:
Updated by GraceWang 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150557: [Regression][PackageKit] Package kit: Verify that Package kit can update Package Kit added