tickets #170752
opentickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7
tickets #170722: [Regression][Misc] Misc components of regression tests
[Regression][Misc] virt-viewer: connect to remote OS
Login the system and install virt-viewer
Prepare another OS or VM for Step3 use
Connect to the VM with the hostname. e.g: virt-viewer linux-n2in.suse
3.1 Click “Connect”
3.2 Play with some gnome apps, e.g. FF, gedit, g-c-c, gnome-photos…
Click the close button on the upper-right corner
Click “OK”
Connect to a remote VM use this way
virt-viewer --connect qemu+ssh//root@hostip/system vmname
VP3. There should be a window popup to let you choose a virtual machine with all available virtual machines.
VP3.1 It should connect to the VM.
VP3.2 The apps should work fine.
VP4. There should be a window popup to remind you “Do you want to close the session?”
VP5. The session should be closed.
Updated by GraceWang 2 months ago
- Copied from tickets #150626: [Regression][Misc] virt-viewer: connect to remote OS added