



tickets #170740


tickets #173341: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP7

tickets #170722: [Regression][Misc] Misc components of regression tests

[Regression][Misc] IBus: installation and setup

Added by GraceWang 3 months ago. Updated 14 days ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


  1. Fresh install SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop current testing version;
  2. Install IBus, setup input engine and do some particular changes to Ibus preference refer to the guideline wiki page;
  3. Log out then re-login, restart ibus-setup in terminal: ibus-setup
  4. Check if IBus is successful started. check IM env via: "env |grep ibus" check IM process: "ps aux |grep [i]bus"
  5. Click 'ibus indicator' on the right corner -> 'Show Keyboard Layout' then click some random keys.

Update 2017-08-02:
Suppose you installed SLED using English as the default language and you don't know Chinese at all.
Below are the steps to show you how to input and verify Simplified Chinese characters.

  1. sudo zypper in ibus ibus-pinyin (since there is another test case to test different engines, so here we only use the ibus-pinyin to test the input of Simplified Chinese)
  2. Override system wide input method in the $HOME/.i18n e.g: export INPUT_METHOD=ibus
  3. Logout and re-login desktop to start IBus-daemon
  4. Check if IBus is successful started.

1)check IM env via: env |grep ibus

2)check IM process: ps aux |grep [i]bus

  1. Enable engines you need: Desktop -> Applications -> System Tools -> Settings -> Region & Language -> Input Sources

1) Click the “+” button -> Click Chinese (China) -> Select Chinese (Pinyin) -> Click “Add” button.
Note: now two input methods are available. The default one is en which stands for English (US)

2) Open Gedit

3) Press Super+Space to change the input method to Chinese (Pinyin). Then in the bottom right corner, you can see it was changed to “拼” which stands for Chinese (Pinyin).

Note: By default you can use shotcut Super+Space to switch next input source. (You can check this through: Desktop -> Applications -> System Tools -> Settings -> Keyboard -> Typing)

4) Input the string “nihao” and then there would be 9 candidates available. Press 1 to choose the first candidate “你好” and its meaning is “hello” in English.

5) Save the content into a file.

6) Close and reopen the file to check the content was still there.

Note: With SLE 12 SP1, the fcitx input method is deprecated.

VP1. System can be installed without any error.
VP2. IBus can be installed without any error.
VP2.1 ibus indicator should appear in the desktop indicator bar,
VP2.2 ibus indicator size and color should fit well.
VP2.3 ibus indicator should change with different input engines switch.
VP2.4 ibus indicator should successful popup menu when right mouse key or left mouse key clicked.
VP2.5 ibus-setup should have no icon on desktop main menu.
VP2.6 all the particular settings changed to Ibus preference has been saved successfully
VP3. Custom settings has be saved and candidates orientation keeps vertical.
VP4. Got the simillar out put:
~ # env |grep ibus
~ # ps -ax |grep ibus |grep -v grep
0:00 /usr/bin/ibus-daemon --replace --xim --panel disable
0:00 /usr/lib64/ibus/ibus-dconf
0:00 /usr/lib64/ibus/ibus-x11 --kill-daemon
0:00 /usr/lib64/ibus/ibus-engine-simple
0:00 /usr/lib64/ibus/ibus-engine-pinyin --ibus
......(Installed engiens' pid)
VP5. Keyboard Layout popup successfully and works fine.

Related issues 1 (0 open1 closed)

Copied from QE-Workstation - tickets #150614: [Regression][Misc] IBus: installation and setupResolvedzcjia2022-10-12


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