tickets #170050
closedThe account for mcalabkova is broken on (only the English one)
Hi all, I was going to update something on But when I log in, it throws an error like this:
[fe4f31b5d3c03ba3b89b2fdd] 2024-11-18 12:01:42: Fatal exception of type "MWException"
When I take a look at the other language mutations (,, etc.), I am logged in and I can edit. I can also switch between languages via the toggle bar and I stay logged in, but when I switch to english, it fails with error similar as the above.
Could you please take a look? Literally my whole HackWeek project was about updating some pages on the english openSUSE wiki.
Updated by cboltz 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Looks like you changed your mail address - and getting it updated in the wiki unfortunately causes the exception you got. (Known issue, but so far I don't know what causes it.)
I just updated your mail address manually, so wiki login should work again for you.
Enjoy Hackweek!