action #168145
opencoordination #161414: [epic] Improved salt based infrastructure management
implement telegraf health check and adjust according pipelines
Start date:
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In #167051 we discovered that our testing of telegraf is not optimal and @nicksinger stumbled over - this could be used to replace the current pipeline approach of logging into the monitoring host and executing telegraf --test
. Instead the healtcheck could be configured to only monitor relevant plugins (e.g. only inputs but no custom scripts) and polled on demand (e.g. in pipelines crated by MRs) to instantly inform about the health of that service and gathered metrics.
Updated by nicksinger 2 months ago
- Copied from action #167051: failed due to telegraf errors on size:S added
Updated by nicksinger 2 months ago
- Subject changed from implement telegraf health check and adjust according pipelines size:S to implement telegraf health check and adjust according pipelines
Updated by nicksinger 2 months ago
- Copied to action #168148: hackweek idea: use loki to monitor our log files and explore alerting possibilites based on these size:S added