communication #167776
closed2024-11-07 19:00 UTC: openSUSE Heroes meeting
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
When: 2024-11-07 19:00 UTC / 20:00 CET
Who: The openSUSE Heroes team and everybody else!
Note: Europe switched from CEST to CET, which means the UTC time changed.
- Questions and answers from the community
- status reports about everything
- review old tickets
- (see/use checklist for additional topics)
Updated by cboltz 4 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
2024-11-07 heroes meeting
Attendees: cboltz, bmwiedemann, Georg, Knurpht, rrahl, himsec
- status reports
- fixed pagure outgoing port 25 timeout
- osc-collab update frequency reduced from 30m to 6h to not overload OBS API
- preparing new syslog server with syslog-ng
- DC move PRV => SLC
- setup from scratch with self-managed dedicated servers+network
- allows to do redundancy / failover with PRG2
- plan: re-deploy with salt
- except mirrorcache-us{,-db} + provo-mirror which will actually be moved
- consider rebuilding provo-mirror through Salt later
- decommissioned machines backed up to backup.i.o.o:/backup/raw/prv/
- status.o.o moved to NUE (NorthC)
- Georg hit packaging errors, sent SR
- httpd needed to be enabled
- no more timeouts when updating status
- mirrorcache-us should be back next week
- deploy new name-server with powerdns to align with PRG2
- internally IPv6-only same as PRG2 (NUE will follow later)
- 7 machines/hypervisors total (2 networking/firewall, 2 OOB-access/management, 3 general purpose)
- spam on paste.o.o needs some moderation + spamfilters