tickets #165482
openprocessing statement for tsp.o.o
Since the foundation is handling the tsp, please add the following
statement to for the processing of funds:
Please note, by using this facility you agree to your data being
processed by UK banks. To find out more, go to
Updated by crameleon 6 months ago
@hellcp Any ideas? I could submit it as hardcoded text in app/views/pages/userguide.en.html.haml, but I'm not sure the upstream should contain openSUSE specific disclaimers, and neither have I found a facility to add custom or organization specific content to the front page.
Updated by hellcp 6 months ago
I guess it could be a part of the theme? You might be able to replace the userguide for openSUSE theme with a version that includes the disclaimer. Or use another place. It might also be valid to request a modification to tsp to display it elsewhere via a config change. It might also be better to improve the openSUSE terms of site to include info about this.
Updated by crameleon 6 months ago
Thanks for the input. As far as I can tell, we use the default "bento" theme and not a custom one. Updating the general terms sounds like a good idea, but I cannot find them linked on, so it would probably not help here.