action #16534
openmore fun reviewing tests and therefore improving the quality of the tested products with gamification
Feature requests
Target version:
QA (public, currently private due to #173521) - future
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
Motify more users to review more test results so that issues are catched early, the workload of existing reviewers is reduced, the quality of our tests improve.
- Test reviewers are motivated to review (and label) unreviewed failures
- Test reviewers keep motivation to label more
User epics¶
- As a new user wanting to support openSUSE development but not knowing where to start I receive invitations for collaboration, e.g. IRC notification about unreviewed failures blocking a new openSUSE Tumbleweed release, so that I am motivated to review unreviewed failures
- As a casual test reviewer that already labeled failures I get a notification about remaining unlabeled failures I need to label to get a certificate icon (e.g. "X more jobs to go for a grey star") to keep my motivation
- As a test reviewer that labeled all fails I get a notification about remaining unlabeled softfails to reach black certificate to keep my motivation until the build is fully reviewed
- As a test reviewer having finished one build review (black certificate) I get a notification how to go on (e.g. next unreviewed product) to keep my motivation to go on
- high score leader board with score for users
- Invites to previous contributors to join again with starting point
- Simple and clean starting page for newbies with simple tasks to follow first to gain some experience
- Encourage addition of new tests / review of "known failures" which now work
- nethack like console version of a text adventure guiding through openQA :-)
Updated by okurz over 7 years ago
- Priority changed from Normal to Low
- Target version set to future