



action #161126


coordination #151816: [epic] Handle openQA fixes and job group setup

Enable SL Micro 6.1 in OSD in Yam squad

Added by JERiveraMoya 9 months ago. Updated 8 months ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:




Acceptance criteria

AC1: Job group for SL Micro 6.1 is enabled for QE Yam

Additional information

It was mentioned that those variables starting by dot . at the beginning of the job group yaml should be reviewed and don't copy paste if they are already in mediums.

Actions #2

Updated by JERiveraMoya 9 months ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #3

Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago

  • Status changed from Workable to In Progress
  • Assignee set to tinawang123
Actions #4

Updated by JERiveraMoya 9 months ago

For now we will attempt migration 6.0 -> 6.1 as discussed in Slack.

Actions #7

Updated by JERiveraMoya 9 months ago

hi @tinawang123, would you mind to reopen this ticket to add ppc64le as well, I just read that in the related ticket, perhaps you also can ask there the doubt about toolbox.

Actions #8

Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago

JERiveraMoya wrote in #note-7:

hi @tinawang123, would you mind to reopen this ticket to add ppc64le as well, I just read that in the related ticket, perhaps you also can ask there the doubt about toolbox.

I have asked at the ticket, which medium should be tested for ppc.

If we need add jobs for ppc, I will re-open this ticket.

Actions #9

Updated by JERiveraMoya 9 months ago ยท Edited

We should not rely on resolved ticket to remember things (otherwise we might forget) or reopen tickets in a different sprint (to mess up with metrics).
For me there are two options to avoid that:

  • Reopen this ticket and wait for the answer (this makes more sense to me because Jose most likely will setup ppc64le soon there, but we don't know for sure).
  • File a new one for the remaining part (anyone else can do it, this is better solution if ETA is longer).

Please apply one of those or suggest another way of reminder.

Actions #10

Updated by tinawang123 9 months ago

JERiveraMoya wrote in #note-9:

We should not rely on resolved ticket to remember things (otherwise we might forget) or reopen tickets in a different sprint (to mess up with metrics).
For me there are two options to avoid that:

  • Reopen this ticket and wait for the answer (this makes more sense to me because Jose most likely will setup ppc64le soon there, but we don't know for sure).
  • File a new one for the remaining part (anyone else can do it, this is better solution if ETA is longer).

Please apply one of those or suggest another way of reminder.

Thanks for your suggestion. After I can confirm we need add ppc job for slem, I will open a new ticket for the remaining part.

Actions #11

Updated by JERiveraMoya 8 months ago

Thanks for checking it, then we are done here :)


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