action #16102
closedidea: assist OBS with the aggregates in Ring0
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Ring0 contains some packages aggregated from ring1 (rpmlint, kernel)
This generally causes some long delays / short time windows, when stagings can reliably be frozen (rpmlint-AGGR is one of the last things ever happening there)
One idea would be:
- Build Disable *-AGGR in ring0
- Have a bot verify if the packages aggregated to ring0 have successfully built in their origin project (ring1)
- If the binary has changed since the last sync: enable 'build' of *-AGGR in ring0 (have OBS sync it); once 'successful', disable again
Updated by dimstar almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
This seems actually not to be an issue anymore: the -AGGR is not part of the freeze/copy for bootstrap_copy and as such any Staging can be frozen even when rpmlint-AGGR is not done