Everything is in order. I checked the inodes panel of multiple hosts and found sensible values e.g. https://stats.openqa-monitor.qa.suse.de/d/GDbaremetal-support/dashboard-for-baremetal-support?orgId=1&refresh=1m&viewPanel=222 showing 16.4% usage for /. https://stats.openqa-monitor.qa.suse.de/d/GDbackup-qam/dashboard-for-backup-qam?orgId=1&refresh=1m&viewPanel=222 shows inode usage for all partitions on backup-qam where one value shows 0.1% and the rest 0.0%.
What we do in the query is
SELECT mean("inodes_used")/mean("inodes_total") FROM "autogen"."disk" WHERE ("host"::tag = '…') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval), "path"::tag fill(null)
so I checked manually on s390zl12 with df -i
Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on
devtmpfs 1048576 365 1048211 1% /dev
tmpfs 6136302 4 6136298 1% /dev/shm
tmpfs 819200 1976 817224 1% /run
tmpfs 1024 19 1005 2% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /home
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /boot/grub2/s390x-emu
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /root
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /srv
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /.snapshots
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /tmp
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /opt
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /usr/local
/dev/dasda2 0 0 0 - /var
/dev/dasda1 76800 22 76778 1% /boot/zipl
/dev/mapper/3600507638081855cd80000000000004b-part1 26214400 116 26214284 1% /var/lib/libvirt/images
excluding virtual devices like tmpfs this leaves only the lowest two. Calculating the inode usage in percentage manually for the latest entry yields "116./26214400*100"=0.00044250488281249995 ~ 0.0%. For /boot/zipl 0.028645833333333332% ~ 0.0%. To make that a bit more visible I can show more decimals though.