action #153724
closedcoordination #121720: [saga][epic] Migration to QE setup in PRG2+NUE3 while ensuring availability
coordination #123800: [epic] Provide SUSE QE Tools services running in PRG2 aka. Prg CoLo
coordination #137630: [epic] QE (non-openQA) setup in PRG2
Move of LSG QE non-openQA PowerPC machine NUE1 to PRG2 - blackcurrant
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: blackcurrant is usable from PRG2
Follow - Follow
- Ensure machine can be reached
- Ensure machine is used as in before migration
Updated by okurz about 1 year ago
- Copied from action #153721: Move of LSG QE non-openQA PowerPC machine NUE1 to PRG2 - legolas added
Updated by okurz 11 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-04-09
- Status changed from Blocked to Feedback
- Target version changed from future to Ready was set to "Done". We still need to confirm the machine is usable as intended by the current loaner.
According to "Used by LSG QE Performance, see" so
@JNa assuming you are "Joyce Na" :) Can you confirm that the machine blackcurrant is fully usable for your testing purposes? If not, how can we help?
Updated by okurz 11 months ago · Edited
- Due date changed from 2024-04-09 to 2024-04-16
I assume I need to actually have the confirmation from acarvajal as mentions their name, asked in
(acarvajal) blackcurrant is ours (used for HANA Perf) it used to be that blackcurrant had FC storage attached. is that still the case? where can I ask? it used to be that blackcurrant had FC storage attached. is that still the case? most certainly not -
(mgriessmeier) @Héctor Orón is there any update on the new FC storage supposed to be installed? or any old one available meanwhile?
Updated by dawei_pang 11 months ago
Filed a ticket about correct blackcurrant NIC port vlan,
Updated by okurz 11 months ago
- Due date changed from 2024-04-16 to 2024-04-30
Last update in was provided by me, 4 days ago, no response since then.
Updated by okurz 9 months ago
- Due date deleted (
2024-06-30) - Status changed from Blocked to Resolved was resolved. With that I assume that blackcurrant is fully usable.