action #152981
closedmonitoring: Update deprecated angular grafana panels
I looked up all deprecated panels by looking for the key "dashLength"
which seems to only appear in older panels. For this I used the command
for i in monitoring/grafana/*.json*; do echo "### $i" && cat $i | jq '.panels[] | select(.dashLength) | .title'; done
and by the title I opened each panel over the grafana webUI and saved as
time series panel. However updating the dashboards, especially the templated ones is far from trivial.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: All provisioned grafana dashboard files do not use deprecated angular panels anymore
- AC2: Monitoring panels still look and work equivalent to before
- Go over every grafana provisioning file in and for every outdated angular panel in there update to new "time series" or equivalent
- Save each file and update the provisioning files
- For templates take care to re-apply the templating, e.g. for-loops and
{{ variable }}
replacements - Ensure after merge the deployed files cause no obvious regressions
Updated by okurz 12 months ago
Any hints how to test this? I can only think of either merging and seeing in production or manually deploying all files to OSD, applying salt to deploy and seeing the effect on grafana.
Updated by okurz 11 months ago
I now prepared to only include the commits which I consider safer to merge leaving more complicated templated dashboards for later
Updated by okurz 11 months ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress merged. I checked all dashboards that were included in this MR and they look good so far. Now continuing with the others.
Updated by okurz 11 months ago also merged and without problems. for the worker for anyone that dares to try it out.
Updated by openqa_review 11 months ago
- Due date set to 2024-01-25
Setting due date based on mean cycle time of SUSE QE Tools