tickets #150662
closedtickets #149954: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP6
tickets #150596: [Regression][Misc] Misc components of regression tests
[Regression][Misc] IBus: input using different engines
- Fresh install SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop current testing version;
- Install & setup refer to the guideline on the wiki page;
- ibus-pinyin
- ibus-chewing
- ibus-anthy
- ibus-hangul
- ibus-unikey
- ibus-m17n
- Open Gnome-terminal then type 'super + space' switches to 'English' run
- 'super + space' switches to 'Pinyin' engine, then input '我爱开源' in the gedit.
- Launch firefox, then input '开源' using ibus-pinyin in the search box.
- Launch gedit then using different engines input correspondence sentences:
- ibus-pinyin: 开源
- ibus-chewing:開源
- ibus-anthy:オープンソース
- ibus-hangul:오픈 소스 (see:开源)
- ibus-unikey:Mã nguồn mở
Change hotkeys for switch IBus engines.
Settings -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Typing -> Switch to next input source -> 'super + 0'
Then type 'super + 0' to check ibus engines switching.
System can be installed without any error.
IBus can be installed and started without any error.
Ibus can switch engines via 'super + space' successfully. Gedit launched.
Preedit windows can open, selected character can be inputed successful.
Preedit windows can open, preedit window can follow input field and selected character can be inputed successful.
These words can be inputed with correspondence method.
Input engines switch successful.