tickets #150422
closedtickets #149954: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP6
tickets #150398: [Regression][Gnote] Gnote components of regression tests
[Regression][Gnote] Gnote: Export to HTML
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
enable "Export to HTML" via preferences -> add-ins -> enable export to html
- Edit a new or existing note (Named "Note A")
- Have at least one link to another existing note (Named "Note B") in the note A
- Have at least one link to another existing note (Named "Note C") in the note B
- Choose Tools -> Export to HTML, and disable "Export linked notes" check box.
- Choose Tools -> Export to HTML, and enable "Export linked notes" check box, and disable "Include all other linked notes" check box.
- Choose Tools-> Export to HTML, then both enable "Export linked notes" and "Include all other linked notes" check box.
VP4. The resulting HTML only contains Note A
VP5. The resulting HTML contains Note A and Note B.
VP6. The resulting HTML contains Note A, Note B and Note C.
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied from tickets #118054: [Regression][Gnote] Gnote: Export to HTML added
Updated by GraceWang 3 months ago
- Copied to tickets #171085: [Regression][Gnote] Gnote: Export to HTML added