tickets #150350
closedtickets #149954: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP6
tickets #150341: [Regression][LibreOffice] LibreOffice components of regression tests
[Regression][LibreOffice] LibreOffice: Java functionality
1. cp /usr/lib64/libreoffice/presets/database/biblio.odb $HOME
1. Install all available JREs on the used platform (use YaST on the Linux products and search for java\* packages)
2. Make sure you use the default java (remove ~/.config/libreoffice/4-suse/user/config/javasettings\_\*.xml if you are not sure)
3. Start Libreoffice Base opening $HOME/biblio.odb
4. Switch to Reports tab
5. Click "Use Wizard to Create Report..."
6. Click ">>" in the middle of the Report Wizard dialog box
7. Click "Finish" to create a report accordingly
8. Repeat the steps 3-7 with all available JREs.
This test checks that Libreoffice basically works with all available JREs. The "Report Wizard" is just one from the java-based functionality.
We used to test the other java functions only with the default JRE by the testautomation scripts. But currently the testautomation script has been abandoned. So it still makes sense to cover some functional testing in different Java environment.
vp.5 The Report Wizard dialog should pop out without error
vp.7 The report should be created and automatically opened by writer in Read-Only mode
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied from tickets #118246: [Regression][LibreOffice] LibreOffice: Java functionality added
Updated by GraceWang 12 months ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
Failed due to
Updated by GraceWang 3 months ago
- Copied to tickets #171013: [Regression][LibreOffice] LibreOffice: Java functionality added