tickets #150347
closedtickets #149954: [Regression] Regression test for SLED 15SP6
tickets #150341: [Regression][LibreOffice] LibreOffice components of regression tests
[Regression][LibreOffice] LibreOffice: Verify LibreOffice opens specified file types correctly
- Download the attached packages from
- Extract the ooo-test-doc-types.tar.bz2 to some where
1.login to gnome,cd to the folder where the ooo-test-doc-types.tar.bz2 extract to 'libreoffice *' in command line
3.Close the file.
4.Make sure that the check box ""Tools/Options/LibreOffice/General/Use LibreOffice dialogs"" is disabled and try ""File/Open""
5.Enable the check box ""Tools/Options/LibreOffice/General/Use LibreOffice dialogs"" and try ""File/Open""
6.Disable the check box ""Tools/Options/LibreOffice/General/Use LibreOffice dialogs"" and try ""File/Open""
Expected Result:
vp.2 LibreOffice should launch a new window displaying the specified file.
vp.3 LibreOffice should then close properly as well when the file is closed.
vp.4 It has to open dialogs similar to other native GNOME applications.
vp.5 It should fall back to the ""ugly"" LibreOffice-specific dialog
vp.6 this restore the default setting