action #134783
closed[containers] Create an IPv6-only test run for podman
The goal is to test the IPv6-only functionality of podman and of our infrastructure. If possible, we should create an openQA test runs, where the host system does not have IPv4 at all. Then we need to check if (and correspondingly) can be accessed via IPv6 only (podman pull ...
). And we need to check if a IPv6-only container is able to reach the internet.
It's unclear to how much of those requirements we can actually test, and if it's possible to run an IPv6 test run in openQA. So as temporary solution we can run this test in PC.
- Pull an image from (and for O3 test runs) via IPv6
- Check if a IPv6-only container can reach the Internet
- Would be nice if the whole test run has IPv6 only
- Check if a IPv6-only container can be reached
Updated by ph03nix over 1 year ago
- Tags set to ipv6
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
Updated by pdostal 11 months ago
- Checklist item Pull an image from (and for O3 test runs) via IPv6 added
- Checklist item Check if a IPv6-only container can reach the internet and can be reached added
- Checklist item Would be nice if the whole test run has IPv6 only added
- Description updated (diff)
The first item is already workable. The rest not yet.
Updated by pdostal 10 months ago
- Status changed from Blocked to In Progress
working on this as the same time as #138197
Updated by pdostal 9 months ago
- Checklist item changed from Check if a IPv6-only container can reach the internet and can be reached to Check if a IPv6-only container can reach the Internet
- Checklist item Check if a IPv6-only container can be reached added
- Checklist item Pull an image from (and for O3 test runs) via IPv6 set to Done
- Checklist item Check if a IPv6-only container can reach the Internet set to Done
- % Done changed from 0 to 50