action #132158
closedcoordination #121720: [saga][epic] Migration to QE setup in PRG2+NUE3 while ensuring availability
coordination #123800: [epic] Provide SUSE QE Tools services running in PRG2 aka. Prg CoLo
Ensure that osd can work without relying on any physical machine in NUE1 size:M
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
Estimated time:
New hardware was ordered to serve as openQA workers for osd fully replacing NUE1 so we need to ensure that OSD can work without relying on any physical machine in NUE1.
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: No special worker class only served from NUE1 in OSD workers
- Wait for #1312137
- Review the settings in for any special worker class that also has "nue,maxtorhof" and is not appearing in any "prg2" worker instances. For each setup a replacement served from "prg" or "prg2"
- Test by shutting down workers in NUE1 and confirm that corresponding PRG based workers can take over the scheduled pending jobs
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Copied from action #132137: Setup new PRG2 openQA worker for osd size:M added
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Subject changed from Ensure that osd can work without relying on any physical machine in NUE1 to Ensure that osd can work without relying on any physical machine in NUE1 size:M
Updated by okurz over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Workable to Resolved
- Assignee set to okurz
- Target version changed from future to Ready
With NUE1 decommissioned all production system are now served from other locations successfully.