action #129859
closedEdit check_system_info for MILESTONE_VERSION check
In check_system_info module, there is a check for MILESTONE_VERSION that seems unnecessary and can cause problems as we run Migration Milestone build after the image is published, so MILESTONE_VERSION is removed from the /etc/issue file. See relevant failure
We should either split the module and move the check to another one, that will be excluded from Migration Milestone Job group tests, or verify information in /etc/issue that remain after publishing the build file.
Updated by tinawang123 over 1 year ago
- Status changed from Workable to In Progress
- Assignee set to tinawang123
Updated by tinawang123 over 1 year ago
Hi Sofia, if our job set the setting 'MILESTONE_VERSION' it will check the product version. If the job doesn't have this setting, it doesn't check the version.
Why do we need this check?
Because, when we tested sle15sp2, there is a bug related the product version. The product release with product Beta 3, but the /etc/issue output information is not correct. The developer didn't change the product version. To avoid this bug, we add this test point at the milestone job group.
I think if we can use this setting 'MILESTONE_VERSION' to control this test point test or not. We don't need a new test module to do the same job.
Updated by syrianidou_sofia over 1 year ago
Yes, I see now that the failure was cause due to invalid value of MILESTONE_VERSION. I misinterpreted it at the time and thought that the setting MILESTONE_VERSION is always "GMC" and the check needs to be removed. You can reject this ticket.
Updated by tinawang123 over 1 year ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
As we agree use MILESTONE_VERSION to control when to check the product version.
Close this ticket.