



analysis #1261


Create/improve openSUSE Ambassador Program tooling

Added by Anonymous over 10 years ago. Updated over 10 years ago.

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The openSUSE ambassadors currently use a wiki page to collaborate. However making one is a chore and for many ambassadors simply difficult - neither their English nor their wiki fu make it very accessible to them.

The overview of events is also not very easy to generate and read, and ambassadors are unable to easily show what events they have been too. All this can be improved.

What do we need/requirements to solve this:

  • have a global calendar view of events past and future so both ambassadors and people interested in meeting openSUSE at events can find out what is coming
    • filter for area to show events planned and past events.
    • Links to event planning page/report.
    • can export ical or such so we integrate it on news.o.o and people can track it. Ideally filtered on region.
  • have a 'event page' where people can:
    • signify they are attending
    • see other people who are coming and in what capacity (speaker, booth supporter, ...)
    • coordinate travel, who brings what, who gives talks about what etc
    • comment
    • promote: social media integration - tweet etc, or link to event pages on facebook/g+/lanyrd
    • order and track track status merchandising/materials
    • ask for and track travel support (right now this goes on a per-person base, it should be event-based)
    • put a report and (links to) videos, pictures and slides after an event on the page
  • the system should have the ability to make reports/overview of nr of events we did, nr of ambassadors etc. Also be connected to TSP app of course.
  • show events an ambassador has attended on his/her user page

See and related features for some examples and some more concrete ideas.

Of course, this makes only sense IF it is decided to put effort in the ambassador/advocate program, from merchandising to management/motivation etc.


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