action #12398
openhide echoing to serial port in testapi calls from output in screenshots
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user story¶
As a user using videos recorded by openQA I don't want to get confused by weird hash strings seen in screenshots and videos so that these videos can also be used as simple instruction videos and are easier to understand by everyone.
acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: No auto-generated content is shown in terminals that is not explicitly coming from the tests
- AC2: The existing behaviour of
is preserved
declare -r PROMPT_COMMAND="fc -nl -1 2>&1 > $serialdev"
when setting the bash-prompt, e.g. where we set it to '$ ' or '# ', to forward the output of the last command to the serial port. To do what we did before using hashed_string
we can try to rely on internal tools of the SUT for this. It's linux specific at this point anyway so it might even be a good idea to move it completely out of the (lower-level) of the testapi at all.
Updated by okurz about 6 years ago
- Related to coordination #44843: [qe-core][functional][epic] Cleanup the use of serial-/virtio-/ssh-consoles in our tests (was: use $self->select_serial_terminal instead of checking IPMI in every module) added
Updated by okurz over 5 years ago
- Related to action #45143: Suppress the prompt sign in the "expected output" of serial consoles (or virtio-console) added