coordination #121723
open[saga][epic] Scale out: Future uses of on-premise cloud or public cloud
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After #80142 we can streamline and improve our datacenter management using cloud solutions
Acceptance criteria¶
- AC1: TBD
In 2022-12 okurz had the opportunity to meet mflores, TL of SUSE EngInfra. Main takeaway for okurz regarding "move to cloud" are the following points:
- We already make use of public cloud where it makes sense, e.g. public-cloud specific testing as well as having cloud computing ressources connected to like ARM sponsored aarch64 ressources. We do not see it as cost-efficient to move more compute-heavy tasks, i.e. openQA workers, to the public cloud with the exception of temporary disaster-recovery scenarios
- We plan to follow the development of SUSE-internal cloud developments and plan to use such services whenever ready for the purposes of QE applications including openQA as well as other uses
- We are looking forward to learn about results from any experiments regarding more efficient datacenter management to apply ourselves, e.g. bare-metal provisioning
Updated by okurz about 2 years ago
- Copied from coordination #80142: [saga][epic] Scale out: Redundant/load-balancing deployments of openQA, easy containers, containers on kubernetes added