tickets #118105
closedtickets #117442: [Regression] Regression test for SLED
tickets #117895: [Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login components of regression tests
[Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login: VNC connections with vino
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
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SLED using Remmina in priority then tigervnc access SLES+WE with vino
Client: SLED15
Server: SLES12SP3 with vino enabled via gnome-control-center sharing
- Activate NetworkManager in SLES
- open gnome-control-center sharing
- Activate Screen sharing with "Require a password"
- Keep a graphical login session in SLES
- Launch gnome-terminal in SLED as normal user then input "remmina"
- Select VNC as the Protocol, enter server's IP address into the host field and press enter
- Input the password then click "Authenticate"
- Launch some applications and do some random operation
- Close remmina
- You can disable encryption on SLES for vino by running the following command as a regular user gsettings set org.gnome.Vino require-encryption false
- Launch gnome-terminal in SLED as normal user then input "vncviewer"
- Enter the host IP into the VNC server field and click "Connect"
- There will be a popup window named "VNC Authentication" then input the password
- Launch some applications and do some random operation
- Close vncviewer
- Remmina can be launched successfully
- You should see a popup window for authentication
- Log in successfully with no errors
- Remmina can be closed and it terminates the VNC connection
- vncviewer can be launched successfully
- Log in successfully with no errors
- vncviewer can be closed and it terminates the VNC connection
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied to tickets #150572: [Regression][RemoteLogin] Remote Login: VNC connections with vino added