tickets #118021
closedtickets #117442: [Regression] Regression test for SLED
tickets #117736: [Regression][Evolution] Evolution components of regression tests
[Regression][Evolution] Evolution: First time launch and setup assistant
Novell Groupwise protocal no longer supported in Evolution
You will need to set up proper IMAP and SMTP accounts for the testing.
IMAP and SMTP server information can be retrieved from:
Launch Evolution as the first time (via new system installation):
1. Click on "Applications" menu
2. Navigate to the "Favorites" submenu and click on "Evolution"
3. Press "Next"
In Restore from Backup dialog box:
4. Ignore the step by clicking "Next" directly
In Identity dialog box:
5. Fill up all necessary information
- Full Name
- Email Address
Enable the "Look up mail server details based on the entered e-mail address"
(Use and password opensuse)
Click "Next"
6. Click "Next"
7. Click "Apply"
- Input the password and click OK
Expected Result:
vp.1 Evolution should be default listed under "Favorite" submenu
vp.2 "Evolution" should launch. In the first launch time, the welcome screen should pop up
displaying with “Cancel,” and “Continue” buttons.
vp.3 Three buttons "Cancel", "Go Back" and "Continue" should be there in the "Restore from Backup" dialog box.
- In the "Identity" dialog box, the "Continue" button should be
gray out unitl a valid email is populated.
- Your system user name should be there in the "Full Name" field
by default
vp.5 It will lookup account details automatically. And will jump to the "Account Summary" dialog.
vp.6 It will show "Congratulations, your mail configuration is complete".
vp.7 It will popup a window "Mail authentication request"
vp8. The configuration should be completed without any error.