tickets #118003
closedtickets #117442: [Regression] Regression test for SLED
tickets #117757: [Regression][Network] Network components of regression tests
[Regression][Network] Network Manager: Switch connection between wired and Mobile Broadband
1.1 a system with wired and Mobile Broadband connection, then remove the
network cable
1.2 a system with wired and Mobile Broadband connection, then remove 3G
1.3 connect with wired, switch connection from wired to 3G (touch Mobile
Broadband connection from Network Manager applet menu)
1.4 connect with 3G, switch connection from 3G to wired (touch wired
connection from Network Manager applet menu)
Comment: Point 1.3 and 1.4 are not suitable for a New
NetworkManager(beyond 0.7),since it will always default to Wired
network(high speed),when wired & 3G all connected.
Expected Result:
VP1.1 the network manager should switch connection to Mobile Broadband
connection idiomatically.
VP1.2 the network manager should connect with cable.
VP1.3 Mobile Broadband connect successfully.
VP1.4 Wired connect successfully.
Comment: VP1.3 and 1.4 are not available.
Updated by GraceWang almost 2 years ago
- Status changed from Blocked to Resolved
- Relevance changed from P5 to P3
PASS on build 79.1
Updated by zcjia over 1 year ago
- Copied to tickets #150236: [Regression][Network] Network Manager: Switch connection between wired and Mobile Broadband added