



action #11682


action #11334: decomission

move yast translations to git

Added by lnussel almost 9 years ago. Updated almost 8 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:


YaST translations are in a separate svn directory right now:

pot files and translations for all yast modules are collected there. Until the yast team decides whether and how to change the setup in the future, the repo should be moved to git and the tools adjusted accordingly.

The yast2-trans package should use a _service file to get the translations from git then.

Current workflow:


Actions #1

Updated by lnussel almost 9 years ago

maybe some github webhook could be used to automatically update the pot files whenever any of the yast modules gets new commits

Actions #2

Updated by lnussel almost 9 years ago

  • Assignee set to sbrabec
Actions #3

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

any update on this one? yast translations are completely separate still so shouldn't be an issue with locking etc, right?

Actions #4

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

  • Checklist item changed from [ ] import svn into git repo, [ ] clean up and adjust tools, [ ] move to githubb, [ ] hook up to web late to [ ] import svn into git repo, [ ] clean up and adjust tools, [ ] move to githubb, [ ] hook up to web late, [ ] create jenkins task to generate and upload pot to GitHub, [ ] create API tools for mass download, upload, adding weblate branches etc., [ ] Improve Group ACL or add it to API. Adding thousands of rules manually is not acceptable., [ ] Project/component removal API/CLI, [ ] Add possibility to digest notification mails, [ ] add support for branch disconnection and branch privileges, [ ] Too many git commits in suggestion review process, [ ] Display exact changes date

The migration from SVN to GitHub is the smallest step to complete this task.

The pilot project found several missing Weblate features that have to be be done before the mass migration.

Actions #5

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

yast translations are completely separate packages though, right? So SLE could keep using the old mechanism while opensuse moves to weblate

Actions #6

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

lnussel wrote:

yast translations are completely separate packages though, right? So SLE could keep using the old mechanism while opensuse moves to weblate

Unfortunately not. YaST in Tumbleweed and SLE12 SP2 come from the same code base. Just translations are different. Maybe they will branch in a late stage of development.

(It could be different in SLE12 SP3.)

Actions #7

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

sbrabec wrote:

lnussel wrote:

yast translations are completely separate packages though, right? So SLE could keep using the old mechanism while opensuse moves to weblate

Unfortunately not. YaST in Tumbleweed and SLE12 SP2 come from the same code base. Just translations are different. Maybe they will branch in a late stage of development.

Exactly. So for SLE yast2-trans can keep coming from svn using the old scripts and for Leap/TW we can switch to git already without hurting sle, right?

Actions #8

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

lnussel wrote:

Exactly. So for SLE yast2-trans can keep coming from svn using the old scripts and for Leap/TW we can switch to git already without hurting sle, right?

Well, yes, we can switch.

But it is better to wait until features above will be done, because:

  • Without API features, manual maintenance would be problematic (hours of clicking).

  • SLE translation merge could not start, as it would spam users with ~1 million e-mails, and git logs with hundreds of thousands entries.

Actions #9

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

sbrabec wrote:

lnussel wrote:

Exactly. So for SLE yast2-trans can keep coming from svn using the old scripts and for Leap/TW we can switch to git already without hurting sle, right?

Well, yes, we can switch.

But it is better to wait until features above will be done, because:

  • Without API features, manual maintenance would be problematic (hours of clicking).

You lost me here. What kind of maintenance do you mean? Shouldn't it
be sufficient to import the pot and po files from svn like we did
for e.g. slideshow?

  • SLE translation merge could not start, as it would spam users with ~1 million e-mails, and git logs with hundreds of thousands entries.

Maybe notifications could be turned off if that's an automated batch
Where would the hundreds of thousands of commits come from? Wouldn't
the merge be a one-shot operation? Ie one commit in each language?

Actions #10

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

lnussel wrote:

You lost me here. What kind of maintenance do you mean? Shouldn't it
be sufficient to import the pot and po files from svn like we did
for e.g. slideshow?

Even creating 50+ nearly equal tasks is a boring work.

Maybe notifications could be turned off if that's an automated batch

Not sure whether ignored subscriptions are implemented.

Where would the hundreds of thousands of commits come from? Wouldn't
the merge be a one-shot operation? Ie one commit in each language?

Not in case, where one suggestion is accepted and another edited.

Actions #11

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

sbrabec wrote:

lnussel wrote:

You lost me here. What kind of maintenance do you mean? Shouldn't it
be sufficient to import the pot and po files from svn like we did
for e.g. slideshow?

Even creating 50+ nearly equal tasks is a boring work.

Could all pot files be put into one git repo?

Maybe notifications could be turned off if that's an automated batch

Not sure whether ignored subscriptions are implemented.

If in doubt shut down the mail system on the machine and delete the
send queue :-)

Where would the hundreds of thousands of commits come from? Wouldn't
the merge be a one-shot operation? Ie one commit in each language?

Not in case, where one suggestion is accepted and another edited.

How would that be avoided if we do the switch later?

I fear that keeping yast in svn for openSUSE is just confusing.

Actions #12

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

lnussel wrote:

sbrabec wrote:

lnussel wrote:

You lost me here. What kind of maintenance do you mean? Shouldn't it
be sufficient to import the pot and po files from svn like we did
for e.g. slideshow?

Even creating 50+ nearly equal tasks is a boring work.

Could all pot files be put into one git repo?

Yes, but it only changes contents of the clicking task, not the amount.

Maybe notifications could be turned off if that's an automated batch

Not sure whether ignored subscriptions are implemented.

If in doubt shut down the mail system on the machine and delete the
send queue :-)

Yes, and then compose notification mails manually.

Where would the hundreds of thousands of commits come from? Wouldn't
the merge be a one-shot operation? Ie one commit in each language?

Not in case, where one suggestion is accepted and another edited.

How would that be avoided if we do the switch later?

Improve a commit code. Either reorder changes before commit, or ignore authorship for suggestions commits.

I fear that keeping yast in svn for openSUSE is just confusing.

I hope that the problems above will be addressed ASAP.

Actions #13

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

Stanislav, do you have an update for us? Can we get someething util beta1?

Actions #14

Updated by mvidner over 8 years ago

The YaST team Scrum card for this is (currently in the team backlog).

Actions #15

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
Actions #16

Updated by mvidner over 8 years ago

I have created an empty repo and gave lnussel, sbrabec and tchvatal Admin access (you may want to drop your privilege level once the setup is stabilized).

Actions #17

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

  • Checklist item changed from to [x] import svn into git repo
Actions #18

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

  • Checklist item changed from to [x] move to githubb
Actions #19

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 20

github repo filled with translations imported from svn. So can be connected to Weblate now. The files still need to be manually updated if yast does string changes. Also, yast2-trans needs to be adjusted.

Actions #20

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

  • Due date set to 2016-09-30
Actions #21

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

  • Checklist item changed from to [x] hook up to web late
Actions #22

Updated by sbrabec over 8 years ago

Large amount of work was just finished:

1) Strings from the community were addded to the Weblate.

2) In case of incomplete community translation, string from contracted enterprise translators were added to the Weblate. (Review can be found at ).

3) Conflicting strings from contracted enterprise translators were added as suggestions with suggesting user "SLE Merge Robot". Please review and pick the best from both. Feel free to review, accept, delete, edit.

4) Community translations of yast-journalctl translations disappeared from the community branch, but they survived in the enterprise branch. They were resurrected and imported instead of empty translations in the current trunk.

5) Some translations had incorrect plural form (mostly "always use singular form"). It was fixed where it was required, however it will probably appear in the Git later, after the first edit in the Weblate. (It is possible to make mass fix.)

Actions #23

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 20 to 80
Actions #24

Updated by lnussel over 8 years ago

So with yast translations for openSUSE in git and weblate how far are we? Which ones of the checkmark items are still needed?

Actions #25

Updated by lnussel about 8 years ago

What's missing still?

Actions #26

Updated by sbrabec about 8 years ago

I am not sure whether Jenkins task for auto-import pot changes is already in place. If yes, we can close.

And whether auto-submit to Factory is in place.

From the Weblate side, everything is in place.

All other issues in the checklist are not YaST specific.

Actions #27

Updated by lnussel about 8 years ago

sbrabec wrote:

I am not sure whether Jenkins task for auto-import pot changes is already in place. If yes, we can close.

Who knows that? Jiri told me to talk to you

And whether auto-submit to Factory is in place.

Who would be in charge of that?

From the Weblate side, everything is in place.

All other issues in the checklist are not YaST specific.

If they are not needed for YaST can we track them elsewhere then?

Actions #28

Updated by Anonymous about 8 years ago

sbrabec wrote:

I am not sure whether Jenkins task for auto-import pot changes is already in place. If yes, we can close.

Who knows that? Jiri told me to talk to you

Christopher Hofmann (cwh) was working on that.

Actions #29

Updated by admin about 8 years ago


Am 05.01.2017 um 16:55 schrieb Stanislav Brabec:

Dne 5.1.2017 v 16:51 napsal(a):

[openSUSE Tracker]
Issue #11682 has been updated by lnussel.

sbrabec wrote:

I am not sure whether Jenkins task for auto-import pot changes is
already in place. If yes, we can close.

Who knows that? Jiri told me to talk to you

Christopher Hofmann was working on that.

This is already up and running since ~November.


SUSE Linux GmbH, GF: Felix Imendörffer, Jane Smithard, Graham Norton,
HRB 21284 (AG Nürnberg)

Actions #30

Updated by lnussel about 8 years ago

so, can we close this?

Actions #31

Updated by sbrabec about 8 years ago

  • % Done changed from 80 to 100

OK. Closing. I will track remaining generic tasks outside this bug.

Actions #32

Updated by lnussel almost 8 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Closed

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