action #111156
closedNo effect of remote PDU controls on and, check power connections
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
- Copied from action #111149: Recover openqaworker-arm-3 added
Updated by nicksinger almost 3 years ago
- Tags set to next-office-day
- Assignee changed from okurz to nicksinger
arm-4 and arm-5 are connected to a different PDU and to my knowledge even to a PDU which is not connected to the network. I will check this tomorrow in person.
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
You say that arm-4 and arm-5 are not connected there, what are "ARM4" and "ARM6" from then?
Updated by nicksinger almost 3 years ago
okurz wrote:
You say that arm-4 and arm-5 are not connected there, what are "ARM4" and "ARM6" from then?
guess "ARM6" is a typo. Previously the two "new" arm-workers where connected to the same PDU and the same rack. But due to they where moved completely
Updated by okurz almost 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Resolved
Updated all the current information in racktables. openqaworker-arm-4 and openqaworker-arm-5 are in a different rack connected to different PDU, racktables is up-to-date. We also crosschecked and updated the configuration on the PDU interfaces themselves.