action #105094
closed[sle][migration][SLE15SP4] Need exclude Instance pattern for public cloud module test cases with all patterns
From the email with Alex and Egbert, we need exclude Instance pattern for public cloud module test cases with all patterns.
Hi Alex and Egbert,
I think this is reasonable for Public cloud module(pcm) test, we
have verified this manually(only install AWS tools and openstack tools
pattern, and the de-register issue in bsc#1190331 gone).
Hi Marita,
About the reason we only test pcm on default pattern on sles, I
think this comes from bsc#989687 (Alex pointed in comments that install
all available public cloud patterns is pointless. : ) )
Currently we got the clear pattern combinations (Exclude
"Instance-Init" and "Instance-Tools" ) to test public cloud module
outside of a cloud image, if no more questions about this I will file a
ticket to investigate to install non-Instance public cloud pattern to
support pcm test with all patterns on SLES. Thanks.
Best regards,
On 1/17/22 10:15 PM, Alexander Osthof wrote:
Hi Egbert & all,
On Monday, January 17, 2022 11:00:53 AM CET Egbert Eich wrote:
[Adding @Alex to make sure my statements below are correct]
Hi Lemon,
thank you!
Out of curiosity:
Are you testing the public cloud module in connection with
any other product?
If so, I believe why bsc#1190331 happened - which could provide
useful hints on what to watch out for (even though irrelevant
for HPC):
The public cloud module provides a number of components that
are useful on SLE cloud images only and other components which
make sense to be installed on non-cloud systems:
'cloud-regionsrv-client' is one of applications which should
never be installed outside of a Cloud image.
The public cloud module provides 3 kinds of patterns whose names match:
- *-Services-Tools
- *-Services-Instance-Init
- *-Instance-Tools AFAIKT, any pattern containing the word 'Instance' should only be installed on a cloud image. So, to do migration testing with the Public Cloud module added for non-Cloud images (what your team is doing), you may want to install only patterns that match: *-Services-Tools.
@Alex, can you confirm if this is correct?
yes, this is correct. Small correction though regarding the names of the
patterns:1) Instance-Init
2) Instance-Tools
3) ToolsSo almost what you already wrote except the "Services" part (as this comes
from "Amazon Web Services"). But regarding the meaning/purpose of those
patterns you were 100% correct. Packages from the patterns "Instance-Init" and
"Instance-Tools" should only be installed in a Public Cloud instance and may
even cause harm on bare-metal.Greetings,
Updated by leli about 3 years ago
Detail info, each public cloud patterns include xxx, xxx-instance-init, xxx-instance-tools and xxx-tools, so we need ensure only install xxx-tools when test pcm outside of public cloud images.
Updated by leli about 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- % Done changed from 0 to 40
Updated by leli about 3 years ago
- Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
- % Done changed from 40 to 100
PR merged, later will add several cases with pcm all patterns.