



action #105094


[sle][migration][SLE15SP4] Need exclude Instance pattern for public cloud module test cases with all patterns

Added by leli about 3 years ago. Updated about 3 years ago.

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16.00 h


From the email with Alex and Egbert, we need exclude Instance pattern for public cloud module test cases with all patterns.

Hi Alex and Egbert,

I think this is reasonable for Public cloud module(pcm) test, we

have verified this manually(only install AWS tools and openstack tools
pattern, and the de-register issue in bsc#1190331 gone).

Hi Marita,

About the reason we only test pcm on default pattern on sles, I

think this comes from bsc#989687 (Alex pointed in comments that install
all available public cloud patterns is pointless. : ) )

Currently we got the clear pattern combinations (Exclude

"Instance-Init" and "Instance-Tools" ) to test public cloud module
outside of a cloud image, if no more questions about this I will file a
ticket to investigate to install non-Instance public cloud pattern to
support pcm test with all patterns on SLES. Thanks.

Best regards,


On 1/17/22 10:15 PM, Alexander Osthof wrote:

Hi Egbert & all,

On Monday, January 17, 2022 11:00:53 AM CET Egbert Eich wrote:

[Adding @Alex to make sure my statements below are correct]

Hi Lemon,

thank you!

Out of curiosity:
Are you testing the public cloud module in connection with
any other product?
If so, I believe why bsc#1190331 happened - which could provide
useful hints on what to watch out for (even though irrelevant
for HPC):
The public cloud module provides a number of components that
are useful on SLE cloud images only and other components which
make sense to be installed on non-cloud systems:
'cloud-regionsrv-client' is one of applications which should
never be installed outside of a Cloud image.
The public cloud module provides 3 kinds of patterns whose names match:

  1. *-Services-Tools
  2. *-Services-Instance-Init
  3. *-Instance-Tools AFAIKT, any pattern containing the word 'Instance' should only be installed on a cloud image. So, to do migration testing with the Public Cloud module added for non-Cloud images (what your team is doing), you may want to install only patterns that match: *-Services-Tools.

@Alex, can you confirm if this is correct?
yes, this is correct. Small correction though regarding the names of the

1) Instance-Init
2) Instance-Tools
3) Tools

So almost what you already wrote except the "Services" part (as this comes
from "Amazon Web Services"). But regarding the meaning/purpose of those
patterns you were 100% correct. Packages from the patterns "Instance-Init" and
"Instance-Tools" should only be installed in a Public Cloud instance and may
even cause harm on bare-metal.


Actions #1

Updated by leli about 3 years ago

Detail info, each public cloud patterns include xxx, xxx-instance-init, xxx-instance-tools and xxx-tools, so we need ensure only install xxx-tools when test pcm outside of public cloud images.

Actions #2

Updated by leli about 3 years ago

  • Priority changed from Normal to High
Actions #3

Updated by leli about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to In Progress
  • % Done changed from 0 to 40
Actions #4

Updated by leli about 3 years ago

  • Status changed from In Progress to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 40 to 100

PR merged, later will add several cases with pcm all patterns.


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