action #100976
openspecific alert about the size of our database, maybe even database tables?
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Over 80% space of /srv on OSD are used up. In #100859 we already identified that it's mostly our database with currently 72G out of 100G but /srv also stores system logs and "homes.img" and we can not easily distinguish which part grows in space. Can we have monitoring alerts for the database or even database tables directly?
Acceptance Criteria¶
AC1: We can monitor the growth of database, not just complete /srv
- Research if there can be cool postgres specific telegraf queries that already provide this
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
- Copied from action #100859: investigate how to optimize /srv data utilization on OSD size:S added
Updated by okurz about 3 years ago
- Copied to action #100979: configure better auto-vacuum for our database(s) added