


communication #44732 ยป 2019-02-05-heroes-meeting.txt

IRC meeting log - cboltz, 2019-02-05 23:35

2019-02-05 #opensuse-admin
[20:01:30] <cboltz> looking at the clock - who's here for the meeting?
[20:01:46] <tuanpembual> hi all
[20:01:48] <bmwiedemann2> o/
[20:01:56] <tuanpembual> me will join.
[20:02:03] <tuanpembual> 2 am here
[20:02:10] <tuanpembual> :)
[20:02:40] <cboltz> hi Estu!
[20:02:42] <bmwiedemann2> welcome tuanpembual
[20:03:12] <cboltz> so let's start the meeting and hope that tampakrap will also wake up ;-)
[20:03:23] <aryulianto> Hi all, me and @tuanpembual are from Indonesia :)
[20:03:37] <cboltz> hi!
[20:03:50] <tampakrap> hello sorry I am here, missed the notifications :)
[20:03:52] <Stiopa> Lately, I have been trying to pickup all the stuff I left more then a couple of months ago so consider me as a voiceless witness.
[20:03:55] <tampakrap> bmwiedemann2: let me check
[20:04:11] <bmwiedemann2> tampakrap: after meeting
[20:04:52] <cboltz> the topics are at but we can of course add more topics if needed
[20:05:20] <cboltz> let's start with the usual questions and answers from the community
[20:05:28] <cboltz> does someone have a question? ;-)
[20:06:57] <pjessen> Im here, but I might going to and from.
[20:08:02] <cboltz> looks like nobody dares to ask us a question ;-)
[20:08:35] <cboltz> let's continue with the status reports
[20:08:35] <bmwiedemann2> tampakrap: found it. had a virbr1 with 192.168.253.x addr :-)
[20:09:09] <cboltz> I submitted a merge request to replace the current machines with fully salted ones
[20:09:48] <cboltz> I'm waiting for someone (tampakrap?) to review them and to give me some fresh VMs
[20:09:58] <tampakrap> ah yes sorry I forgot
[20:10:18] <cboltz> no worries, I was busy with FOSDEM anyway ;-)
[20:10:22] <tampakrap> my workload is very high recently and this one totally slipped from my radar
[20:10:44] <tampakrap> if I don't do it till wednesday next week, ping me again please
[20:11:03] <cboltz> I will *eg*
[20:11:21] <cboltz> that's it from me, who wants to continue?
[20:11:21] <tampakrap> any good/bad/whatever feedback from the election officials about the voting system?
[20:12:02] <cboltz> they opened the ballots, so I'll assume that everything works :-)
[20:12:20] <tampakrap> good job!
[20:12:33] <bmwiedemann2> I'm not an official, but I used it and managed to cast a vote. Some parts are a bit confusing with multiple user-names for login and anonymity
[20:13:10] <tampakrap> something that I sent also to the list, my team got approval for an automation engineer and part of the time will be spent also for the opensuse infrastructure
[20:13:15] <tampakrap>
[20:13:27] <bmwiedemann2> yay!
[20:13:32] <tampakrap> feel free to ping me if you are interested and would like to know more details
[20:13:49] <cboltz> bmwiedemann2: right, it's unusual not to use our "normal" openSUSE login - but it comes with two advantages:
[20:14:13] <cboltz> - you don't "accidently" login there when logging in for *.o.o, which IMHO is a security feature for the elections
[20:14:14] <IonutVan_> tampakrap, looks interesting, any remote (90%-100%) option?
[20:14:43] <cboltz> - I didn't find out if using the openSUSE login for voters is possible without spending an insane amount of time
[20:15:02] <tuanpembual> @tampakrap: o/ nice jobs, but not very confidence :(
[20:15:15] <tampakrap> IonutVan_: for what I know it is Nuremberg only. I'll ask my manager again and will let you know if there is a home office option
[20:15:26] <bmwiedemann2> cboltz: there is this login-proxy concept. and we have an openID provider with the openSUSE creds
[20:15:40] <IonutVan_> tampakrap, ok, thanks a lot
[20:15:57] <cboltz> bmwiedemann2: I know, and the election officials use the login proxy to login
[20:16:22] <cboltz> but I didn't find out how to also use it for voters
[20:16:52] <cboltz> (when uploading the list of voters, helios automatically creates a local account for every voter automatically)
[20:17:41] <cboltz> if you want to look at this for next year, I won't stop you ;-) but IMHO we have other areas where spending time is more useful ;-)
[20:18:24] <tampakrap> cboltz: will you be able to migrate the dbs of the wikis to galera?
[20:18:39] <tampakrap> I wanted to do it but I failed, and I don't see it happening soon from my side
[20:18:46] <cboltz> it's on my TODO list, but I can't provide a fixed date
[20:18:59] <tampakrap> sure, thanks
[20:19:10] <cboltz> I'll probably combine it with updating to a newer MediaWiki version, which is also on my TODO list ;-)
[20:19:16] <tampakrap> what about icc? any volunteers to revive the service?
[20:19:50] <cboltz> what/how exactly is it broken?
[20:20:06] <bmwiedemann2> works
[20:21:46] <tampakrap> I have no idea
[20:22:05] <cboltz> who did setup and manage that service in the past?
[20:22:11] <tampakrap> let me check
[20:23:49] <tampakrap> Kai-Uwe Behrmann
[20:24:18] <tampakrap> I don't know him
[20:25:31] <cboltz> I also don't know him, but connect says his username is bekun, and has a mail address etc.
[20:25:51] <cboltz> looks like I should write him a mail later ;-)
[20:26:03] <tampakrap> sure, thanks
[20:26:32] <tampakrap> but either way the offer stands, especially for the new guys who wanted to help with something
[20:27:41] <cboltz> right, nobody should have a monopoly on fixing "his/her server" ;-)
[20:27:46] <tampakrap> another urgent issue we have is the redmine update for progress.o.o, also looking for volunteers
[20:28:26] <cboltz> IIRC someone already looked at this a while ago, and did a test setup with a reduced number of plugins
[20:28:52] <cboltz> do you know the status of that?
[20:29:13] <tampakrap> there wasn't any setup
[20:29:30] <tampakrap> the volunteer who offered to help got busy so he dropped the task
[20:29:56] <cboltz> ah, ok
[20:30:12] <cboltz> so - do we have a new volunteer around? ;-)
[20:31:26] * cboltz wonders why everybody hides
[20:31:37] <tampakrap> they can think about it
[20:31:38] <IonutVan_> cboltz, what is icc?
[20:32:31] <cboltz> IonutVan_: provides color profiles for people who want to have exactly the same color on their screen, printer etc.
[20:32:57] <IonutVan_> "Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently down for maintenance."
[20:33:08] <cboltz> right, that's exactly our problem ;-)
[20:33:31] <tampakrap> it's very useful app, and uses mongodb, so it could be a good candidate even for putting it on kubernetes :)
[20:33:41] <IonutVan_> :)
[20:33:55] <IonutVan_> cboltz, if is not really urgent, I can have a look at it :)
[20:34:01] <cboltz> IonutVan_: watch the video of my oSC18 talk if you want to know what that "Sorry, ..." message means ;-)
[20:34:11] <IonutVan_> but of course I need more info about that service
[20:34:14] <tampakrap> what about the opensuse conference 19? who's planning to go?
[20:34:21] <tampakrap> and maybe give talks?
[20:34:24] <cboltz> urgent is relative - it's down since a month, so a few more days won't hurt
[20:35:01] <cboltz> I'll be at oSC of course, but didn't come up with a topic that would be better than my talk from last year
[20:35:12] <bmwiedemann2> tampakrap: I'll be there. Submitted 2 sessions on reproducible builds
[20:35:49] <tuanpembual> anythings I can help?
[20:36:39] <IonutVan_> cboltz, ok, I can take the task an see what I can do
[20:37:11] <cboltz> :-)
[20:37:22] <cboltz> tuanpembual: I'm sure we have more than enough tasks you could do - do you have any special interest for a specific service, technology, ...?
[20:38:05] <tuanpembual> i am working with k8s
[20:38:27] <tuanpembual> maybe will start from this related
[20:39:44] <IonutVan_> tampakrap, I never worked (install, backup, update ...) with redmine, but I can have a look for that task as well. If will not succeed we will not have any progress.o.o :D
[20:40:32] <cboltz> tuanpembual: since I still have to learn this container stuff - tampakrap: do you have a few tasks for tuanpembual?
[20:40:51] <tuanpembual> I have worked with redmine, maybe I can try.
[20:41:01] <tampakrap> IonutVan_: the task is to setup the instance using latest leap and latest redmine on a new VM, and then test the plugins
[20:41:25] <tampakrap> as soon as everything is confirmed to be working, we switch over the latest db dump and we're good to go
[20:41:48] <tuanpembual> ^ I think I can start with this
[20:41:57] <tampakrap> so whatever experiment you do won't affect the production instance
[20:42:04] <tuanpembual> need list plugins we use.
[20:42:09] <bmwiedemann2> is it already in salt?
[20:42:21] <tampakrap> tuanpembual: great, I'll send them to you
[20:42:35] <tampakrap> bmwiedemann2: the VM yes, the service no
[20:42:47] <tuanpembual> thanks tampakrap
[20:43:25] <bmwiedemann2> could help
[20:44:23] <bmwiedemann2> no SUSE support yet though
[20:44:47] * tuanpembual will start learn salt,
[20:45:35] <tampakrap> anything else broken?
[20:46:20] <cboltz> still lists the disk space on boosters and osc-collab
[20:46:51] <tampakrap> boosters runs what?
[20:47:18] <cboltz> pillar/id says connect.o.o
[20:47:26] <tampakrap> tuanpembual: osc-collab is also another good candidate for new host
[20:47:50] <tampakrap> and it has no db at all, which makes it a very good candidate for k8s
[20:48:29] <IonutVan_> tuanpembual, so, you will take that task, right?
[20:48:45] <tampakrap> cboltz: do we still need connect?
[20:48:54] <tuanpembual> sure, any document I can read tampakrap ?
[20:49:12] <tampakrap> if it is needed only for the mail aliases, we can put the export somewhere else
[20:49:23] <cboltz> tampakrap: we need something[tm] to manage our members - and unless we have a replacement, I'm afraid we still need it
[20:49:27] <tuanpembual> IonutVan_: redmine? yes, I will try this weeks
[20:50:13] <IonutVan_> tuanpembual, and osc-collab, as well?
[20:50:34] <tuanpembual> okey, I get both :)
[20:50:49] <tuanpembual> but will ask many questions
[20:50:59] <tuanpembual> :'
[20:51:04] <tampakrap> tuanpembual: better take one only, finish it and then go to the other if nobody jumps in
[20:51:30] <IonutVan_> cboltz, is there a ticket for icc? please assign it to me, as I said I can have a look
[20:51:44] <tuanpembual> noted tampakrap. I start with redmine
[20:51:57] <cboltz> IonutVan_: it's part of
[20:52:00] <IonutVan_> I have to run now, but I will read the logs
[20:52:04] <cboltz> if you want a separate ticket, just open one ;-)
[20:52:44] <IonutVan_> cboltz, ok, thanks, and there is also osc-collab :)
[20:52:57] <cboltz> that's also in that ticket ;-)
[20:53:07] <IonutVan_> exactly :)
[20:53:25] <IonutVan_> have to run, see you later
[20:53:40] <cboltz> see you
[20:53:42] <tampakrap> cya
[20:53:50] <cboltz> tampakrap: is it possible to keep the mail aliases for "Members Emeritus"?
[20:54:18] <tampakrap> wait a min, I'm looking at boosters
[20:54:24] <cboltz> the board would like to have it that way so that inactive members are still reachable with their @o.o address
[20:54:47] <tuanpembual> tampakrap: for redmine, is there have created ticket? or create new one?
[20:55:23] <tampakrap> I don't see anything taking too much space in boosters
[20:55:42] <tampakrap> the only that could possibly be improved is /tmp which is 5G
[20:56:23] <cboltz> sounds like a good candidate ;-)
[20:56:37] <tampakrap> I don't understand your question
[20:56:54] <cboltz> ok, I'll try to ask in another way:
[20:56:58] <tampakrap> afaik there is a cronjob that exports the names and mail aliases in a text file
[20:57:12] <tampakrap> which is read by the mail server to actually create them
[20:57:39] <tampakrap> so my proposal is to ditch connect and just keep that text file
[20:58:05] <cboltz> currently only _active_ members have a mail alias, and if you become inactive (not doing anything, and ignoring the "still here?" bot mails), you'll be moved to the "Members Emeritus" group (= former, now inactive members)
[20:58:16] <cboltz> with that move, you also loose your alias
[20:58:27] <Fraser_Bell> tampakrap: If you mean connect.o.o. I definitely support that move: Ditch it.
[20:58:41] <cboltz> the board would like to have that changed, so that the alias keeps working also for inactive members
[20:59:07] <mstroeder> GDPR?
[20:59:28] <tampakrap> two text files?
[21:00:07] <mstroeder> Some inactive mail aliases might be based on personal names.
[21:00:35] <cboltz> right, and if someone asks us to remove the alias, we can of course do that
[21:01:12] <cboltz> but in most cases I'd guess that people prefer that a mail address they possibly gave out to other people stays working
[21:02:15] <mstroeder> I'm not a lawyer. But if there is no reason for storing the data you are not allowed to store it anymore. Just my 2 cent.
[21:03:42] <cboltz> there's a difference between "I don't want to be an openSUSE Member anymore" (for example because someone doesn't have time to contribute anymore)
[21:03:53] <cboltz> and "please delete my data"
[21:04:06] <mstroeder> Ask your lawyer.
[21:04:09] <pjessen> exactly
[21:04:17] <pjessen> uh, ask our lawyer.
[21:04:53] <cboltz> ok, I'll take this to the board meeting ;-)
[21:05:05] <Fraser_Bell> cboltz: I agree with the difference: but, should ask anyway.
[21:06:13] <Fraser_Bell> f.e.: I might not have time to contribute, but want my info kept alive in case I can come back to contributing in the future.
[21:06:36] <cboltz> right, that's (IMHO) exactly the point of Members Emeritus
[21:07:20] <Fraser_Bell> The other point is, even if I am too busy to contribute in the future, I would still like to point out that I *was* a contributor at one time.
[21:07:37] <cboltz> yes
[21:08:02] <cboltz> and you probably want to keep your address because your friends use it to send you mail
[21:08:23] <mstroeder> It boils down to: Inform the user when he/she changes status.
[21:08:43] <cboltz> yes, that's the obvious part ;-)
[21:09:00] <Fraser_Bell> Yes, indeed: But, mostly the mailing lists. Does not mean I do not want to quit the mailing lists even if I have no time to contribute.
[21:09:15] <cboltz> and we should also ask the current Members Emeritus if they want to have their alias back (which would be the direct consequence of this change)
[21:09:29] <Fraser_Bell> Does not mean I want to quit lists ^^^
[21:10:32] <Fraser_Bell> ... just one other point, though, IMO, we should be carefull because an mail address can make someone look like they are speaking officially for openSUSE.
[21:11:42] <cboltz> right, but IIRC we didn't have such a problem since I'm in the board - at least we didn't hear about it ;-)
[21:12:40] <Fraser_Bell> Correct, and I doubt we would run into that, except in cases where someone is kicked out of Membership for breaking our Guidelines. Not that I have ever heard of that happening...
[21:13:22] <Fraser_Bell> Just saying, someone should keep a watch out?
[21:14:07] <cboltz> if something like that happens, report it to board@
[21:14:24] <cboltz> luckily our members know how to behave ;-)
[21:14:50] <Fraser_Bell> Thanks. BTW: I would join Heroes and work on the Connect.o.o replacements, if I had any idea what I was doing. But, not till elections are over.
[21:15:15] <cboltz> :-)
[21:15:40] <cboltz> the important part of connect.o.o is handling the membership and maybe being a "phonebook" for openSUSE
[21:16:17] <cboltz> the other parts (groups, polls etc.) are more or less useless and can easily be dropped
[21:16:34] <mstroeder> Any docs on what "handling the membership" means?
[21:16:34] <cboltz> so basically you could call the replacement a "membership database"
[21:16:39] <Stiopa> so when someone requests to delete his data what is actually to be deleted?
[21:17:51] <cboltz> that's a good question, but I'm afraid I don't have an easy answer (I never had to handle such a request, and don't know the connect.o.o internals)
[21:17:57] <Fraser_Bell> cboltz: I like where it shows me info about the Member, including what they are doing for us.
[21:18:25] <tampakrap> Stiopa: the ldap account plus any profile/account on our webapps
[21:19:25] <cboltz> Fraser_Bell: I also like the$USERNAME pages so if you work on a replacement and keep them, I'll be more than happy ;-)
[21:20:16] <Fraser_Bell> Yes. There should indeed be a replacement, just not at connect.o.o., perhaps better in our Wiki?
[21:20:59] <cboltz> that would also be an option
[21:21:22] <Fraser_Bell> ... must be clearly linked in the Membership list, though, so that if requested, info CAN be deleted. Must protect ourselves.
[21:22:44] <cboltz> right, but that's not too different to the User:$USERNAME wiki pages we already have
[21:22:52] <Stiopa> My presence has been pretty much necromantic lately, so I am trying to figure out what is better if someone decides to pick up the stuff I left: to know clearly, yes clearly, that somebody is no longer active or to have that misty feeling that he/she still can be contacted.
[21:23:04] <Fraser_Bell> ... a "restricted" Wiki where only authorized personnel and the individual themself can edit the page.
[21:23:22] <Fraser_Bell> ^^ Wiki page ^^^
[21:23:56] <cboltz> actually we already have that - IIRC we have an extension that ensures you can't edit someone else's User:$USERNAME page
[21:24:00] <Fraser_Bell> Stiopa: Play Misty for Me?
[21:24:03] <cboltz> (except if you are a wiki admin)
[21:24:10] <tampakrap> Stiopa: asking for removing your data and (asking for) revoking your membership are not the same
[21:24:23] <Fraser_Bell> Yes.
[21:24:33] <Fraser_Bell> that is correct.
[21:24:45] <Fraser_Bell> cboltz: Thanks.
[21:25:15] <Stiopa> clear, thanks
[21:26:46] <Fraser_Bell> cboltz: BTW, those profile pages also come in very handy when, as Global Admin, I need to decide if I should ban or temporarily ban someone on the Forums, or if I should cut some extra slack.
[21:27:14] <cboltz> indeed, connect isn't as useless as it sometimes looks ;-)
[21:27:19] <Fraser_Bell> ^^^ Global MODERATOR ^^^
[21:28:17] <cboltz> oh, I'm quite sure someone will happily upgrade you if you promise to do the work ;-)
[21:28:21] <Fraser_Bell> If a real good contributor, I cut slack with a PM.
[21:28:44] <Fraser_Bell> or another, or another, PM
[21:28:53] <Stiopa> Fraser_Bell, you want me "to make your day", hah?
[21:29:08] <Fraser_Bell> ROTFL
[21:30:22] <Fraser_Bell> cboltz: Wait until after the Elections, please, I am now down to 20 pounds soaking wet and read, bleary eyes!!!!
[21:30:35] <Fraser_Bell> red, bleary ^^^
[21:31:20] <cboltz> ;-)
[21:32:26] <pjessen> guys, I gotta go, have run out of time. I hope there was nothing urgent wrt mailing lists or mirroring?
[21:33:19] <cboltz> not that I know of - enjoy the evening ;-)
[21:33:33] <Fraser_Bell> Good evening, pjessen
[21:33:37] <tampakrap> i'm not aware of any either
[21:33:50] <Fraser_Bell> same
[21:33:56] <pjessen> good. see you later.
[21:34:04] <cboltz> does someone else have anything to discuss, or should we move towards the end of the meeting?
[21:34:20] * Fraser_Bell nothing.
[21:34:32] <tampakrap> dunno, what else is broken? :P
[21:34:48] <Fraser_Bell> tampakrap: My bank account?
[21:35:10] <cboltz> ;-)
[21:35:32] <cboltz> I'm afraid I don't have a fix for that ;-)
[21:35:53] <cboltz> looks like we can finish the meeting
[21:35:55] <Fraser_Bell> Well, know, I was expecting tamapkrap to fix it. :-D
[21:36:09] <Fraser_Bell> know ^^^ no
[21:36:31] * Fraser_Bell has never made so many dagnabbed typos!!!
[21:37:01] <cboltz> thanks everybody for being here - I'm especially happy to see some new faces and helping hands :-)
[21:37:09] <tampakrap> thank you!
[21:37:09] <Fraser_Bell> :-)
[21:38:04] <Fraser_Bell> Bye all.
[21:39:50] <tuanpembual> thanks all.
[21:42:36] <bmwiedemann2> bye