


  • Login: firstyear
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  • Role: Developer
  • Connect profile: 1
  • Registered on: 2020-01-06
  • Last sign in: 2020-01-06


open closed Total
Assigned issues 6 6 12
Reported issues 3 4 7


Project Roles Registered on
openSUSE admin Developer, private ticket access 2023-11-13
Provo Developer, private ticket access 2023-11-13



03:10 openSUSE admin tickets #170020: sudo sometimes does not accept passphrase
What version of the unixd was on that client? firstyear
03:07 openSUSE admin tickets #170107: Kanidm ghost "rpc" group / prevents installation of system-user-nobody ?
No problem, I talked to the maintainer and I'll repeat the submissions for SLE / leap as well. firstyear
03:05 openSUSE admin tickets #170044: Login to idm.o.o sometimes returns "InvalidState"
The kani servercs haven't been updated to 1.4.4 is why :)
I looked yesterday and they are still on 1.4.1


03:22 openSUSE admin tickets #170107: Kanidm ghost "rpc" group / prevents installation of system-user-nobody ? and firstyear
03:14 openSUSE admin tickets #170107: Kanidm ghost "rpc" group / prevents installation of system-user-nobody ?
looks like it's rpcbind and nfs-client. I'll submit some reqs. firstyear
03:13 openSUSE admin tickets #170107: Kanidm ghost "rpc" group / prevents installation of system-user-nobody ?
Alternately, whatever installs and creates the rpc/statd users should depend on system-user-nobody - I don't actually... firstyear
03:06 openSUSE admin tickets #170107: Kanidm ghost "rpc" group / prevents installation of system-user-nobody ?
Okay, I think I've worked this out.
kanidm-unixd now has a "nscd replacement" where we can read and process /etc/p...
03:16 openSUSE admin tickets #170020: sudo sometimes does not accept passphrase
Has this happened since? firstyear
03:16 openSUSE admin tickets #170044: Login to idm.o.o sometimes returns "InvalidState"
Sounds like this is resolved? firstyear


02:30 openSUSE admin tickets #170107: Kanidm ghost "rpc" group / prevents installation of system-user-nobody ?
i'm going to try to reproduce this later, I have some ideas, but this certainly is a weird one. firstyear

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