Jos first plans for Booth box » History » Revision 181
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ancorgs, 2013-08-14 12:46
- Table of contents
- Booth box
- The boothbox content lists
- Status
- Artwork needed
- Todo
Booth box¶
This page contains the booth box contents (in planning). We have two boxes:
- Big, around 50Kg, suitable for 5K+ visitors
- Small, around 20Kg, suitable for 1K-5K visitors
- USB Big, around 20kg, hypothetical box replacing DVD's with USB sticks, suitable for 5k+ visitors
- USB Small, around 10kg, hypothetical box replacing DVD's with USB sticks, suitable for 1k-5k visitors
Smaller events will have to create materials locally or use the contents of a booth box nearby. For the first year we expect to need about 15 small boxes, 5 big ones and about an equivalent of 10 more big boxes of materials at SUSE for the openSUSE team to bring with them to events.
The box contains 3 types of materials:
- openSUSE dvd's or USB sticks
- Tools to 'run the booth' like tape, markers and a powerstrip
- Materials to make a booth look cool like flags and posters
- hand out/give away materials like flyers and geekos
The tables contain the items and educated guesstimates of weight, price, and a proposal for the amount to be put in the booth box. The totals on the bottom are reasonable guesses but we will only be sure about the weight when we finally get everything together.
Once we have these lists all done and decisions made, we will begin to order the items, assemble a test box and see how it works out.
The boothbox content lists¶
Documentation for the booth¶
The materials below should tell the team how to build the booth, handle visitors etc
- usb stick with promo materials/data (images, video etc)
- talking points
- openSUSE fact sheet
- booth kit manual/checklist for setting up booth
- report template (incl room for follow-up contacts)
- tips including:
- Don’t allow your display area to become a fortress but create walkways around your tables that invite visitors to come in.
- we also, for each event, need to print a a4 sticker to be put on the box with the name of the event, person the materials go to, emergency contact and more.
booth tools¶
These are basics which aim to make sure the booth team can write on and hang up the posters, turn on their laptops & use the monitor(s).
Item | weight | price | amount | Include? | total weight | total price | link |
Duct tape | 50g | 2 | 1 | yes | 50g | 2 | |
double-sided tape | 20g | 2 | 1 | yes | 20g | 2 | |
stapler | 150g | 4 | 1 | no | 0 | 0 | |
staples | 50g | 1 | 1 | no | 0 | 0 | |
staple remover | 30g | 1 | 1 | no | 0 | 0 | |
scissors | 100g | 2 | 1 | yes | 100g | 2 | |
Screwdriver | 150g | 2 | 1 | yes | 150g | 2 | |
Markers black/green | 15g | 1 | 4 | yes | 60g | 4 | |
notebook & pen | 100g | 2 | 1 | no | 0 | 0 | |
Power strip | 350g | 4 | 1 | yes | 350g | 6 | |
first-aid kit | 400g? | 6 - 15 | 1 | yes | 200 | 10 | add disinfectant! |
clear fishing line | 50g | 1 | 1 | yes | 350g | 1 | |
cubicle hooks/clips | 100g | 2 | 1 | yes | 100g | 2 | |
mints & hand clean | 100g | 2 | 1 | yes | 100g | 2 | |
Ethernet cable | 150g | 3 | 1 | yes | 150g | 3 | |
vga cable | 200g | 4 | 1 | yes | 200g | 4 | |
usb cable extender | 20g | 2 | 1 | yes | 20g | 2 | |
box to keep money in | 200g | ? | 1 | maybe | 200g | 3 | need to find one |
dozen openSUSE pens | 8 | 1-2 | 15 | yes | 120g | 30 | Inca, wave or burgos |
trash bag(s) | 35g | .50 | 2 | yes | 70g | 1 | |
Total | ~2.3kg | 75 |
small supportive electronics¶
These items provide the team with some nice, openSUSE branded devices to drive people to the booth: a speaker, mouses, webcam and more. Due to weight, cost and uncertainty about usefulness we decided to not include any of this for the first year.
Item | weight | price | amount | Include? | total weight | total price | min order size | comment | link |
wireless logo Mouse | 75g | 11 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 100 | don't go for wireless devices - get stolen! | |
micro logo Mouse | 30g-70g | 4.40-480 | 2 | no | 0 | 0 | 150 |": "spectral-werbung | |
micro usb charger logo | 50g | 4.80 | 1+? | maybe | 0 | 0 | 100 | | |
bluetooth keyboard logo | 320g | 15-20 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 20 | don't go for wireless devices - get stolen! |": and " |
0.3mp webcam logo | 200g? | 8-15 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 60 |": " | |
speaker box logo | 260g | 11 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 60 | | |
speaker/usb hub logo | 160g | 9 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 80 | | |
minispeaker logo | 60g | 5 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 80 | | |
minispeaker logo | 100g | 12 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 30 | | |
ballspeaker logo | 250g | 7.5 | 1 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 60 | | |
presentation stick | 100g | 5-15 | 2 | maybe | 0 | 0 | 50 | | |
Total |
Booth clothing¶
This is the stuff needed to actually make the booth look good, put the flyers on the table etc.
|. Item |. weight per X |. size |. amount x price small |. amount x price big |. Include |. total weight |. total price |. comments |. link |
| Table display: pyramid (or cube etc) | ~20gr each | 20x20cm | 500 for Eur 200 | 5000 for Eur 625 | 10 | 200g | 4 | - | "":,-gro%C3%9F,-4-seitig.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PTK4844&ci=000989 |
| Tablecloth/flag with logo | 1.5kg each | 250x200cm | ~55 Eur at 30-50 pc | | no | 0 | 0 | - | "":,detail,1111220901.html |
| Tablecloth/flag with logo | 0.6kg each | 250x200cm | ~55-60 Eur at 30-50 pc | | 2 | 1200g | 120 | - |"": and "": "picture of printed flag 1": "picture of printed flag 2": |
| Tablecloth/flag with logo | 2.4-2.7kg each | 250x200cm | ~45 - 42 Eur at 30-50 pc | | no | 0 | 0 | - |"": and "": |
| Posters with room for schedule etc | 15g each | A3, 115g/m2 | 100 for Eur 40 | 500 for Eur 50 | 10 | 150g | 2 | - | "":,-DIN-A3.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PPLA340&ci=000580 |
| fun or informational posters | 15g each | A3, 115g/m2 | 100 for Eur 40 | 500 for Eur 50 | 10 | 150g | 4 | - | "":,-DIN-A3.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PPLA340&ci=000580 |
| small posters (all kinds) | 5g each | A4, 80g/m2 | ? | ? | 30 | 150g | 3 | 0 | - |
| supersize posters | 30g each | A2, 115g/m2 | 100 for Eur 65 | 500 for Eur 90 | 5 | 150g | 5 | - | "":,-DIN-A3.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PPLA340&ci=000580 |
| team t-shirts | 300g | various | 10 | | no | 0 | 0 | 0 | - |
| team caps or bandanas | 100-200g | various | Eur 1-8 | | 8 | 500 | 40 | include 4 caps and 4 bandanas | "": |
| team green tie | 30g | various | 13 | | no | 0 | 0 | - | "": |
| Green safety vests logo | 130g | various | 4.10 || 10 | 1300 | 41 | | "": " jos has offer in mail": |
| X-Banner Standard | 1kg | 25x 60,0 x 160,0 cm | 55 | | 1 | 1000g | 55 | - | "":,-Standard,-60-x-160-cm.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=LXS8240&ci=001581 "picture front": "picture back": |
| flyer holder | 100g | 1.2mm thick | transparent A5 | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | there are paper solutions that can be branded | "": |
| flyer holder with logo | 100g | paper | A5 | 50x E6.12 100x E4.69 150x E4.28 | no | 300g | 15 | nicely branded |" - jos has offer in pdf": |
| flyer holder with logo | 100g | paper | A5 | 50x E11 100x E8 200x E6.5 | no | - | - | - |"": |
| flyer holder with logo | 150g | paper | A5 | price requested | no | - | - | - |"": |
| chair back covers | ? | ? | ? | ? | not found | 0 | 0 | - | not found |
| re-usable button nametags | ? | 47-52mm | 100x from 41ct | 1000x 31ct | no | 0 | 0 | with pin, need individual printing on special paper (part of package) | "": |
| re-usable logo nametags | ? | 47-52mm | 100x from eur 5 | 500x eur 4 | 10 | 150g | 45 | with magnet, professional look | "": "more options":|
| geeko stamp | ? | 3-5cm | 3cm 10x Eur 100 | 5cm 10x Eur 170 | no | 0 | 0 | incl green ink | "3cm": "5cm": |
| a4 info holder | 200g | 3mm thick | transparent A4 | 5.5 | no | 0 | 0 | nice but piramids are cheaper and lighter |"": |
| DVD holder | ? | ? | ? | ? | no | 0 | 0 | there might be a paper solution but this isn't crucial |not found |
| poster holder A3 | 40g | A3 | holds A0-A4 | 1.3 | 5 | 200g | 6.5 | nice solution for places where you can't use tape |"":,-L%C3%A4nge:-420-mm-transparent.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=H15A3XX&ci=003086 |
|.Total |. |. |. |. |. |. 5.5kg |. E340.5 |. |. |
- reminder to check this site for prices when ordering
poster ideas
- openSUSE informational-style (what's cool about openSUSE , we believe)
- openSUSE factsheet (basic info about the community) still has to be made
- booth posters with room to add info like schedule for booth talks, to be made
- fun openSUSE posters (beer poster , geeko)
ARM promo ideas¶
The following items we could include if we want to promote ARM at our booths. They're mostly some ideas around arm devices that are thin & light and can create something presentable in a simple, lightweight way. We would need an ARM device and a screen; either integrated (laptop, tablet) or external (the Scenelights beamer might be an option for that).
|. Item |. weight per X |. size |. amount x price small |. amount x price big |. Include |. total weight |. total price |. comments |. link |
| beaglebone or such | 100gr each | 10x5cm | Eur 80-150 | | maybe | 100g | ? | ? | everywhere |
| USB stick pc | 50gr each | usb stick size | Eur 50-150 | | maybe | 50g | ? | example Samsung Exynos 4412 1.6ghz quadcore, 2gb ram, 16gb ROM, wifi for USD 140 | "": "wide selection at": "android minipc with AV cable out, vga out, USB & network for $45": "china options here": Aseigo/KDE might come with open device like this |
| Scenelights LED Beamer | 450gr | usb stick size | Eur ~50 | | maybe | ? | ? | 320*240 resolution, 40 lumen light, media player, AV-In, ~25-115cm distance | "": |
|Cheap mini ARM notebook | 1kg | tiny | Eur ~50-100 | | maybe | ? | | seems very slow | "10inch single Cortex A8 1.5GHz 1G Ram 4G flash": |
| cheap tablet | 500g | tiny | Eur ~100 | | maybe | ? | | performance is very ok for tablet/tocuh. Can be used with and without hdmi out port... | "7inch dual Cortex A9 1.6GHz 1G Ram 8G flash": "Vivaldi tablet": |
|. |. |. |. |. |. |. 0 |. 0 |. to discuss |. |
These things would need micro-hdmi-to-vga or microhdmi-to-AV converters. Plenty on amazon for Eur ~14 and in other places eg see for example this hdmi to vga and AV cable
We won't do anything this year but if the ARM team has ideas, we should talk.
Informative/fun openSUSE promo materials¶
These are our main promotional materials: flyers and postcards. The flyers aim to inform people, the postcards are more fun. We currently have one flyer design (about openSUSE) but could create or include more like OBS, SUSE and other flyers. Postcards are a good way to add themes - like an upcoming conference or release promo. Might be an idea to create these in small-ish batches whenever we want to promote something and only then stick them in the boxes.
The numbers below are most fitting for the 'small' box, it is best to go double for the 'big' box.
|. Item |. weight per X |. size |. amount x price small |. amount x price big |. Include |. total weight |. total price |. comments |. link |
| flyers (oS, OBS, SUSE, even KDE, GNOME?) | 6gr | A4 folded | 10k for 420, 20K for 750 | 100K for 3.650| 500 | 3kg | 15 | equal nr to DVD's or even more | "":,-gro%C3%9F,-4-seitig.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PTK4844&ci=000989 |
| postcards (oS, OBS, SUSE, conference, more) | 5gr | A6 | 1k for 30, 5K for 71 | 10K for 120 | 250 | 1.3kg | 10 | less, more? | "":,-DIN-A6.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PPKA644&ci=000603 |
|.Totals |. |. |. |. |. |. total: 4.3kg |. total: E40 |. |. |
the give-aways with logo¶
These are the typical openSUSE give-aways. We have had geekos, t-shirts, beer, stickers and book inlays in the past. The amounts should be at least doubled for the big box, probably tripled.
|. Item |. weight per X |. size |. amount x price small |. amount x price big |. Include |. total weight |. total price |. comments |. link |
| useful posters: cheatsheets & calendars | 15g each | A3, 115g/m2 | 1K for 75, 5K for 240 | 10K for 450 | 100 | 1.5kg | 5 | beer poster? we need designs | "":,-DIN-A3.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PPLA340&ci=000580 |
| Beer felt/beverage coaster/beer mat with logo | 0.5g each | 7-9cm | 2.5K for 190, 5K for 330 | 10K for 520 | - | - | - | openSUSE beer? we need designs | "":,-Rund-%284-4%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PBDR744&ci=001000 and "": |
| laptop stickers | 0.01g each | small | 5ct for 1000+ | | 500 | 200g | 50 | | no idea |
| cool stickers | 0.01g each | A8 or 10cm circle | 10K for 180 | | 1k | 500g | 18 | | "":,-DIN-A8-%284-0-farbig%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PAKA840&ci=000685 |
| cool stickers | 0.01g each | 9cm circle or ellipse | 10K circle for 350 | 10K ellipsoid for 450 | 1k | 500g | 45 | | "":,-14,5-x-9,5-cm-%284-0-farbig%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PAKO640&ci=000685 |
| openSUSE sweets | 10-100g | various | starting at eur 1 | can probably be had for less | - | - | - | - |": |
| openSUSE bags | 400g-2kg | various | from eur 1-15 | eg retro shoulder bag with logo 400x for eur 8 each | no | - | - | - | "": |
| openSUSE pens | - | - | - | - | too boring | - | - | - | - |
| USB sticks | - | - | - | - | another thing altogether | - | - | - | - |
| openSUSE mouse pads | weight | size | starting at 2000+ for Eur 1.25 | 10K for Eur 1.16 | - | - | - | - | "": |
| openSUSE caps or bandanas | 100-200g | all | Eur 1-8 | - | - | - | - | - | "": |
| openSUSE can closer | 2g? | - | 10K for 13ct each | - | - | - | - | - | "": |
| openSUSE Buttons - beeropener | - | 56mm round | 1000 for .78ct | 10K for .73ct | - | - | - | comment | "": |
| openSUSE Buttons - pin | - | 22mm | 1000 for .30ct | 10K for .20ct | - | - | - | comment | "": "more buttons here": |
| snap-armband | 10g | universal | 1000 for 1.90 | have to ask | - | - | - | - | "": |
| festivalband | ? | universal | 100 for 50ct | 1000 for 27ct 10.000 for 19ct | 500 | 300g | 150 |comment | "": Jos has another offer 'estimation festivalbänder' in his mail |
| pocketlight+beer opener in one | 30g | - | 250x 2.17 each | 710x 1,85 each | - | - | - | - | "": |
| keyring+beer opener | 20g | size | 1000x ~90ct each | 5000x 81ct each | - | - | - | - | "": |
| keyring touchpen | 4g | size | 2000 ~90ct (?) | - | - | - | - | - | "": |
| screen cleaner | 16g | size | 1000+ Eur .66 each | 5140+ Eur .58 | - | - | - | - | "": |
| Bread box | 100g | 180 x 145 x 70 | 650x Eur 1.15 | - | - | - | - | - | "": |
| geekos | 100g | small and green! | ~eur 3 | - | - | - | - | SUSE created lots of these, we'd have to ask Marketing to get them. They're extremely popular but rather big :( | SUSE Marketing |
| geeko tatoos | ~0.12g | 4x4cm | 1 color 10K 810 50K 1900 | full color 10K 1253 50K 2325 | 2K | 250g | 100 | other sizes possible. | "": |
|. Total |. |. |. |. |. |. 2.65kg |. E360 |. |. |
possible boxes to ship the materials in¶
I looked everywhere for a print service for boxes but this seems not to exist, at least not for reasonable prices. We should consider using stickers. Boxes can be either cardboard/paper or plastic. Some choices and reasonable prices:
Paper boxes
|. Size |. Price |. Comment |. Link |
| 650 x 350 x 360mm | Eur 3-5 each | strong box. black print (not sure if custom) | "": |
| 650 x 350 x 360mm | Eur 6 (30+) | strong box. price incl grayscale print. Any size possible. Dutch site. | "": |
| 770 x 570 x 470mm | Eur 33 at 10+ | extremely strong box, 12mm thick, for sending machine parts. other sizes available, should handle any weight... | "": |
| 1200 x 600 x 600mm | Eur 9 at 90pc | Largest DHL delivery box. Not certain about quality. | "": |
- Other options
Plastic boxes
|. Size |. Price |. Comment |. Link |
| 810 x 620 x 430 mm | 111 (maybe discount possible?) | transparent, 145 liter box. | "": |
| 710 x 440 x 380 mm | 37.5 (maybe discount possible?) | transparent, huge 84 liter box. | "": |
| 710 x 440 x 310 mm | 30 (maybe discount possible?) | dark blue, 64 liter box. | "": |
| 610 x 402 x 315 mm | 27 (maybe discount possible?) | transparent, 48 liter box. | "": |
| 245 x 180 x 160 mm | 7 (10x) | black, 3 liter box. | "": |
I have no idea what size we will need. We'll have to order materials and see what we can fit in what volume.
Costs of stickers needed for the above:
|. Size |. Price x amount small |. Price x amount large |. Comment |_. Link |
| A4 | 50x Eur 45 | 200x Eur 90 | white, digital print | "":,-DIN-A4-%28Digitaldruck%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=DAKA440&ci=000686 |
| A4 | 100 Eur 71 | 1000 Eur 166 | white, offset print | "":,-DIN-A4-%284-0-farbig%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PAKA440&ci=000685 |
| A4 | 50x Eur 75 | 200x Eur 190 | transparent, digital print | "":,-DIN-A4-%28Digitaldruck%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=DAKA440&ci=000686 |
| A4 | 250 Eur 150 | 1000 Eur 220 | transparent, offset print | "":,-DIN-A4-%284-0-farbig%29.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PAKA440&ci=000685 |
We create a generic sticker with content info and for each event we print a second sticker for that specific event. Sticker templates eur 11 per 100 din a5, eur 7/100
Let's guestimate the costs of a box on Eur 35 incl stickers etc.
openSUSE Team suitcase¶
When the openSUSE team travels to evens they have to bring 'stuff' with them. A decent suitcase is needed for that. These are some options. We need to know more about volume & weight before we can start making choices.
|. name |. size |. volume |. weight |. price |. Comment |. Link |
|Samsonite Firelite Spinner 4wheel | 80cm | 124ltr | 3.1kg | Eur 410 | 40 ltr/kg | "": "": "idealo": |
| Roncato Flexi 2-rollen | 80cm | 125ltr | 6.40 kg | Eur 90 | 20 ltr/kg - I have this one atm, very sturdy but heavy. |"": "idealo": |
| Samsonite Cosmolite Spinner | 75cm | 94ltr | 2.80kg | Eur 370 | 33 ltr/kg |"": "idealo": |
| Samsonite Cosmolite Spinner | 85cm | 131ltr | 4.40kg | Eur 300 | 30 ltr/kg |"idealo": |
| Roncato Uno Zip 4-wheel | 78cm | 100l | 3.4kg | Eur 220 | 30 ltr/kg | "": "idealo": |
| Travelite 2-wheel | 72cm | 102l | 3.4kg | eur 130 | 30 ltr/kg - soft case, not a good idea. | "": "idealo": |
Estimates of weight and costs per group:
|. category |. weight in gram |_. Cost in Euro|
| 1 booth tools | 2300 | 70 |
| 2 booth clothing | 5500 | 340.5 |
| 3 informative materials | 4300 | 40 |
| 4 give-aways | 2650 | 360 |
| 5 box | 1000 | 35 |
Big box contents: 1,2,3x2,4x2,5 - weight 22700gr, costs 1250,5 each
Small box contents: 2,3,4,5 - weight: 13450gr, costs 775.50 each
Based on the current state, total weight and cost estimates excluding the cost of DVD's/USB sticks:
|. Box |. # DVD's/USB sticks |. Weight |. costs |
|. Small | 200 (5kg) | 18.45kg | Eur 775.50 |
|. Big | 1000 (25kg) | 47.7kg | Eur 1250,5 |
|. USB Small | 40 (1kg) | 14.45kg | Eur 775.50 |
|. USB Big | 120 (2kg) | 24.7kg | Eur 1250,5 |
Please note that I tried to be conservative in my estimations: the costs will most likely turn out lower, as will the weight.
Artwork needed¶
The following items require artwork:
|. Description of item |. limitations (color, size etc) |. proposal |. status |
| openSUSE Pen logo | black pen, "sevilla": one color ink | I propose to slap a geeko on it and and be done | undecided |
| Piramid or cube design | full-color. "see here for details":,-gro%C3%9F,-4-seitig.htm?websale8=diedruckerei&pi=PTK4844&ci=000989 | should be info about openSUSE or just look cool | no design at all yet |
| tablecloth/flag | full-color. 2.50x200. 2 designs possible. Must be usable as table cloth AND flag. material will be flag cloth, shine-through. | - | nothing yet, but ordered test with crappy design from to test |
| Posters with room for writing a schedule or other info | full-color, A3 size | Look "in github": for some non-generic examples. We need something that works everywhere... I'd say at least half the poster should be room to write (white background). | nothing yet |
| fun or informational posters | A3, full-color | openSUSE informational-style ("what's cool about openSUSE": , "we believe": ), a openSUSE-factsheet, "beer poster": "Vi/VIM cheatsheet": etc. We really need several designs. | few designs exist, needs more and decisions |
| Several small posters | A4, full-color | designs from above for hanging up all over | some designs we have, more needed & decisions |
| supersize posters | A3, full-color | these should simply be awesome! | no idea if we have something suitable |
| cap design | what they need at "": | it is for the booth team. simple is fine. | nothing yet |
| bandana design | what they need at "": | it is for the booth team. simple is fine. I'm not even sure if we can print anything, if so - green is good :D | nothing yet |
| Green safety vests logo | see "": needs something on front and back.| it is for the booth team. | nothing yet |
| X-Banner Standard design | standing banner 60,0 x 160,0 cm full-color | something that attracts ppl... | nothing yet but ordered something with basic design to test from |
| folder dispenser design | Dispenser "": we still need to ask them for info on requirements | make ppl take a flyer... | nothing yet |
| re-usable badge design | design it "": | idea is that we keep the same badge but replace the nametag. See "": - tag on bottom. This can be simple... | should be simple, nothing yet |
| flyers | A4 full-color, flexible | we have a 'about openSUSE' flyer, needs review. We could include others (eg OBS, SUSE) | needs review and one side could use less corporate artwork (is in github) |
| Postcards | A6, full-color, double-sided | we probably should make these in smaller badges to promote for example the openSUSE Conference. But fun and targeted designs (OBS or other openSUSE features, eg 'we believe') welcome. | needs discussion and some designs |
| useful posters: cheatsheets, calendars | A3, full-color | these are our give-away posters. They should invite hanging up, so not TOO openSUSE-ish, but useful cheatsheets and such are good. | there is some stuff, needs review, some new designs and decisions |
| Stickers | round, oval, A8, laptop - all full-color | to give-away. At least 3 final designs. | a few things floating around |
| festival band | See "": click 'weiter' and see app, design something. 'suchen' lets you upload a logo. Use 1 color | they are give-aways | shouldn't be too hard, have nothing yet |
| geeko tatoos | flexible size and colors but let's go 1 color, 4x4 cm for now | multiple designs needed. These are give-aways. | needs to look cool, nothing yet |
Note that all artwork needs to be usable for AT LEAST a year: DO NOT USE RELEASE-SPECIFIC ARTWORK!
Artwork plan¶
The artwork needs the following steps to move forward:
- review of the above list and the status of each item by a designer, to determine:
- what is ready to be printed
- what can be made ready real quick (like a pen that just needs a geeko on it)
- what simply needs a bit of design polishing (putting existing things together)
- what needs creativity and input from the community artists (needing 'original' artwork like posters etc)
- creation of the 'quickies' so they can be ordered asap
- Creation of proper, clear requests for the community on what is needed from them
- think about the requirements for colorspace, format, quality etcetera. I can and will help with this as much as my knowledge permits.
- Creation of items in need of some design polishing in order of priority so it can be ordered
- We'll probably have to find out what is reasonable here.
- Judging, polishing and preparing for printing of artwork from the community
- This will need the designer to be interacting with the community. There is a lot of work to be done and this will probably eat considerable time.
Current todo list
- get artwork (anditosan currently working)
- start ordering things once we have an GO on budget
- develop the documentation
UPDATE: Anditosan> I have gathered a few images of what is specified on the artwork list above and I am currently designing a look that is unified across these elements. Likely I will be using colors shown on our current version of openSUSE and some green, of course.
Updated by ancorgs over 11 years ago · 30 revisions