


Ticket Workflow » History » Revision 3

Revision 2 (rainerkoenig, 2023-11-24 09:39) → Revision 3/5 (rainerkoenig, 2023-11-24 10:01)

# Ticket Workflow 

 This document describes how we handle tickets in QE Yam.  

 ## General rules of thumb 
 - All tickets that require changes in the code base should be of type `action`. 
 - Every ticket should have a **parent ticket** with the type `coordination`. Coordination tickets are a sort of master plan for something that is too big for just one ticket. 
 - At the moment of writing the only *target version* that we can select for QE Yam is `Current`.  
 - Follow the [[Create ticket guidlines]] when creating a ticket. 

 ## Graphical overview  

 ![Ticket workflow](twf.png) 

 ## The default path (green) 
 - Tickets start with status `New`.  
 - When the ticket is clear enough to work on the status changes to `Workable`.  
 - Some team member picks that ticket from the top of the list of [workable tickets]( **and** assigns himself to the ticket. The status of the ticket switches to `In progress`. 
 - The assigne works on the ticket, submits MRs/PRs and fulfills the acceptance criteria. In some cases you might also consider what is described below under "Possible deviations from the default path". 
 - After PRs or MRs were merged we **wait** that the changes also work in production and not only in our verifcation runs. 
 - Then the ticket status can change to `Resolved`. 

 ## The rejection path (red) 
 - Sometimes tickets can be rejected because they are already addressed in another ticket or other reasons. Then the ticket status changes to `Rejected` and the one that does this change should write a comment about the reason **why** this ticket is rejected. 

 ## Blocking tickets 
 - Sometimes while you work on a ticket you find out, that there are circumstances beyond this current ticket that block you in working on this ticket. In that case switch the status to `blocked` and comment on the reason for this block. 
 - If you have blocked tickets,then visit the [list of blocked tickets]( from time to time to see if the reason for the block still exists, if not then switch the status back to `In progress`.  

 ## Closing tickets (blue) 
 - Sometimes you find out that the problem described in the ticket does no longer exist. Then you can switch the status to `Closed`. 

 ## Possible deviation from the default path 
 - If a ticket seems too big or too complex then a good choice is to split up the issue into some smaller and more manageable tickets. 
 - If you decide to split, then 
   - change the tracker type of this ticket to `coordination`. 
   - submit tickets for the smaller actions steps that have this ticket as their *parent ticket*.  
   - set the status of those new tickets to `Workable` so that also colleauges can take over some of the action steps.