



Gitlab Need To Know

The Gitlab QA SLE Functional repo is used to create the job group definition for SLE15 on

How are the group definitions organized?

The definitons are stored under the JobGroups directory.

Test suites

The file test_suites.yaml holds the test suites definitions in alphabetical order.

Every test suite has an anchor that has the name of the test suite:

  generic_testsuite: &generic_testsuite
    descriptin: >-
      just for demonstation

Job group definitions

The directory SLE15 contains the architecture specific parts of the job groups file and the defaults.

Test suites in the ../test_suites.yaml file are referenced with an alias there:

    - generic_testsuite
        <<: *generic_testsuite

Fork & Merge workflow

When you want to change the definitions, you need to

  • fork the repository. Important: After forking the repository you need to define the variables APIKEY and APISECRET and fill them with your keys for! The variables will be needed in the CI workflow that will run on your fork and not the upstream repository.
  • create a branch for your edits
  • do the editing and commit the changes
  • create a merge request. The merge request will trigger the CI pipeline and the test part of the pipeline relies on the variables (see above) that you need to set after forking the repository.

Updated by rainerkoenig over 3 years ago · 2 revisions