


Create ticket guidlines » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (rainerkoenig, 2023-11-24 09:53) → Revision 2/3 (rainerkoenig, 2023-11-24 09:53)

# Create ticket guidlines 

 ## Template 

 Copy & paste this markdown code in the ticket description and use it. The lines with `*text*` are just comments that you can remove or overwrite.  

 ## Motivation 
 *describe the problem here precisely, self contained, avoid links to openQA because they will be gone sooner or later*  

 ## Scope 
 *name the job groups (with IDs) or product versions that will be affected by this ticket, so everyone knows what this is about* 

 ## Acceptance criteria  
 **AC1**: *Acceptance criteria that can be measured* 
 **AC2**: *if needed fill out more acceptance critera* 

 ## Additional information 
 *If you have additional hints and tipps on what you expect to be done, write them down here* 

 ## Priorities 
 - Chose priorities wisely. 
 - Avoid `Low` because the chance that this will be worked on is also very low. 
 - Remember that [[Backlog_Assistant]] alerts for some priorities if there are no updates for a given period of time: 
   - Immediate: Ticket needs to be worked on and updated daily. 
   - Urgent: Ticket needs to be updated at least once a week. 
   - High: Ticket needs to be updated at least once in 28 days.