


Concept idea » History » Revision 2

Revision 1 (rainerkoenig, 2023-11-09 16:00) → Revision 2/3 (rainerkoenig, 2023-11-09 16:02)

# Concept idea 

 After looking and trying both [Backlog Assistant]( and [project management statistics]( I think that the solution would be something that takes the best of both worlds. 

 ## Backlog Assistant 
 ### Pros 
 - Simple use of saved queries in Redmine 
 - New metrics are easy to create 
 - Direct links to the saved queries to review 
 - Runs on GitHub, no own VM necessary 
 ### Cons 
 - Static HTML that looks like from 1995 
 - Just current data, history could only be found in the commits for gh-pages 

 ## Project Management Statistics 
 ### Pros 
 - With Grafana as a visualizer we have a modern look 
 ### Cons 
 - Currently no job that freqently updates the interim SQLite Database 
 - Metrics extraction scripts are difficult to use if we want to emulate Redmine saved queries 
 - Needs some server or VM for automatic updates of the databases 

 ## Idea  

 Utilize Backlog Assistant to output to an Influx DB and than visualize that with Grafana. The yellow area in the diagram needs to be implemented. Grafana 


 Note: Backlog Assistand has already some code in it to suppoort InfluxDB format. This needs to be further investigated.  