Wiki » History » Version 6
okurz, 2016-01-13 14:18
1 | 3 | okurz | # Introduction |
2 | 1 | alarrosa | |
3 | 3 | okurz | This is the organisation wiki for the **openQA Project**. |
4 | 1 | alarrosa | |
5 | 3 | okurz | # Organisational |
6 | 1 | alarrosa | |
7 | 3 | okurz | ## openQA calls |
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9 | Currently there are two recurring openQA calls conducted at SUSE on If there would be more interest from the outside the call could be made on a public platform. |
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11 | Both meetings should target to finish in 15 minutes each. If more time is needed, propose to stay in the call with the required subset of attendees. |
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13 | Standard rules of good "standup meetings" apply here, too, e.g. |
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15 | * Be on time (be there at meeting start) |
16 | * Be concise (help keep the time limit) |
17 | * Be polite |
18 | * focus on |
19 | * what you achieved |
20 | * what you plan |
21 | * where did you face problems where you could use help |
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24 | ### "openQA backend coordination" call |
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26 | **objectives**: |
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28 | * Coordination on openQA backend development |
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30 | **execution**: A regular daily call from Mon-Fri at 0900 UTC |
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33 | ### "SUSE QA test coordination" call |
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35 | **objectives**: |
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37 | * Coordination on openQA based test development, especially SLE products |
38 | * Information about important development in openQA backend by backend responsibles |
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40 | **execution**: Mon + Wed, at 0930 UTC |
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42 | If somebody from SUSE QA team will do back-end development he can attend the first call as well, of course. |
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45 | 4 | okurz | # User stories |
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47 | 6 | okurz | **User:** QA-Project Managment |
48 | 4 | okurz | **primary actor:** QA Project Manager, QA Team Leads |
49 | **stakeholder:** Directors, VP |
50 | **trigger:** product milestones, providing a daily status |
51 | 5 | okurz | **user story:** 1. „As a QA project manager I want to check on a daily basis the „openQA Dashboard“ to get a summary/an overall status of the „reviewers results“ in order to take the right actions and prioritize tasks in QA accordingly.“ |
52 | 4 | okurz | |
53 | **User:** openQA-Admin |
54 | **primary actor:** Backend-Team |
55 | **stakeholder:** Qa-Prjmgr, QA-TL, openQA Tech-Lead |
56 | **trigger:** Bugs, features, new testcases |
57 | 5 | okurz | **user story:** 2. „As an openQA admin I constantly check in the web-UI the system health and I manage its configuration to ensure smooth operation of the tool.“ |
58 | 4 | okurz | |
59 | **User:** QA-Reviewer |
60 | **primary actor:** QA-Team |
61 | **stakeholder:** QA-Prjmgr, Release-Mgmt, openQA-Admin |
62 | **trigger:** every new build |
63 | 5 | okurz | **user story:** 3. „As an openQA-Reviewer at any point in time I review on the webpage of openQA the overall status of a build in order to track and find bugs, because I want to find bugs as early as possible and report them.“ |
64 | 4 | okurz | |
65 | **User:** Testcase-Contributor |
66 | **primary actor:** All development teams, Maintenance QA |
67 | **stakeholder:** QA-Reviewer, openQA-Admin, openQA Tech-Lead |
68 | **trigger:** features, new functionality, bugs, new product/package |
69 | 5 | okurz | **user story:** 4. „As developer when there are new features, new functionality, bugs, new product/package in git I contribute my testcases because I want to ensure good quality submissions and smooth product integration.“ |
70 | 4 | okurz | |
71 | **User:** Release-Mgmt |
72 | **primary actor:** Release Manager |
73 | **stakeholder:** Directors, VP, PM, TAMs, Partners |
74 | **trigger:** Milestones |
75 | 5 | okurz | **user story:** 5. „As a Release-Manager on a daily basis I check on a dashboard for the product health/build status in order to act early in case of failures and have concrete and current reports.“ |
76 | 4 | okurz | |
77 | **User:** Staging-Admin |
78 | **primary actor:** Staging-Manager for the products |
79 | **stakeholder:** Release-Mgmt, Build-Team |
80 | **trigger:** every single submission to projects |
81 | 5 | okurz | **user story:** 6. „As a Staging-Manager I review the build status of packages with every staged submission to the „staging projects“ in the „staging dashboard“ and the test-status of the pre-integrated fixes, bacause I want to indentify major breakage before integration to the products and provide fast feedback back to the development.“ |
82 | 3 | okurz | |
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84 | # Old content |
85 | ## Sprints |
86 | 2 | okurz | |
87 | 1 | alarrosa | |
88 | [[Sprint 01]] |
89 | [[Sprint 02]] |
90 | [[Sprint 03]] |