



T01 OpenCV Perl bindings (Go/No go)

Status of current stage

This initial stage was done as planed without remarkable issues. The SWIG openCV interface was replaced with XS interface, and some functions where moved to a C++ implementation, using openCV API.

OpenCV Perl bindings

Task or subtask Completed Notes

Replace the SWIG by XS (action #293) yes

Replace the basic API that use Perl calls to openCV call in C++ (action #294) yes

Adapt the openCV fuzzy matching (action #295) yes [1]
Create the report for the task (action #296) yes


  1. The implementation use the original openQA code, that use the openCV matching example code. Also we have a new similarity function that works on digital and analog images.

Edit the tasks for the next stage

Not done.

Define the tasks for the next+2 stage

We defined the tasks for T03. Remove the MD5 approach and create a new API semantic



Updated by aplanas over 11 years ago · 1 revisions