


Status is back, now running with RAID 5 and 1 hot spare (as result, only 3.5 TB are available).
Added by Anonymous about 10 years ago

The funny part with RAID5 is: you loose one hard disk in size, but you also can only loose one hard disk in your RAID array. As always, Mr. Murphy knows about this fact and kills two hard disks at once...

So now after replacing two of six hard disks in the system, we are back online (after a complete re-install and re-sync, of course). As the PERC5i RAID controller on this 7 year old machine only allows RAID level 0, 1, 10 and 5, we run again with RAID 5, but this time also defined one of the disks as hot spare - loosing another TB for our data...


Added by hennevogel about 10 years ago

Hey let's combine all these with information about heartbleed onto Deal?

Added by bruno_friedmann about 10 years ago

So globally a new sponsored hardware able to handle more disks and in a more secure way (RAID6 or more) is still actual, right?

Added by Anonymous about 10 years ago

Hey let's combine all these with information about heartbleed onto Deal?

So globally a new sponsored hardware able to handle more disks and in a more secure way (RAID6 or more) is still actual, right?

Yes, absolutely. The system is >7 years old - and even if we replace the hard disks one by one, it's just a question of time when the whole system is going to die finally.