action #170338
Updated by mkittler 1 day ago
## Observation$__all&refresh=15m
## Acceptance criteria
* **AC1:** There is current monitoring data from OSD itself on
* **AC2:** There is also monitoring data after reboots of monitor+OSD
## Acceptance tests
* **AT1-1:**$__all&refresh=15m&viewPanel=panel-78 shows current data
* **AT2-1:** Same as AT1-1 but reboot monitor in before
* **AT2-2:** Same as AT1-1 but reboot OSD in before
## Suggestions
* Handle IPv4+IPv6 double routing problems after setting up wireguard tunnels disrupting also our monitoring
* Understand what approach to take for routing with VPN in place and consider both source and target hosts for communication
* Might need changes to multiple hosts
* Make changes persistent in salt
* Ensure reboot consistency
## Rollback actions
* Remove alert from called `rule_uid=~host_up_alert.*`