


action #169789

Updated by hjluo about 2 months ago

#### Motivation 
 For migration test with 'all patterns' on powerVM, we need to exclude some patterns that not in the white list, ex: fips,wsl etc. 
 On powerVM, migration test use chained jobs so need make sure to exclude these patterns in both jobs. 

 So for powerVM we need    to change the pre installation test to Autoyast and exclude these unexpected patterns ex: fips, wsl etc. from AY profile. This can save us time for the UI workaround. 

 - the cases that need transfter to autoyast are: 
   - migr_sles15sp4_all_pre@ppc64le-spvm 
   - migr_sles15sp4_desktop-dev_all_pre 
   - migr_sles15sp4_desktop-python3_all_pre 
   - migr_sles_continuous_15sp4_15sp6_ph0 migr_sles_continuous_15sp4_15sp5_ph0 
   - migr_sles15sp5_all_pre 

 #### Acceptance criteria 
  **AC1**: Change the installation (pre migration) test to Autoyast and exclude these unexpected patterns ex: fips, wsl etc. from AY profile.
