


action #163622

Updated by okurz about 2 months ago 
 Scripts CI pipeline failing with openQA jobs ending up incomplete 

 ## Observation 

 [Scripts CI pipeline on GitLab]( is failing with an error: 

 ++ openqa-cli api --host jobs version=15-SP5 scope=relevant arch=x86_64 flavor=Server-DVD-Updates test=ovs-client latest=1 
 ++ jq -r '.jobs | map(select(.result == "passed")) | max_by(.settings.BUILD) .settings.HDD_1' 
 jq: parse error: Invalid numeric literal at line 1, column 8 

 ## Acceptance Criteria 
 * **AC1:** **AC1**: Scripts CI pipeline consistently passes 
 * **AC2:** We have access to the input of jq and know the the HTTP error code 

 ## Suggestions 
 * Print the api output before passing it to jq to see what we actually got 
 * Consider other potentially related issues explaining the root cause triggering the problem, e.g. see #163592 
 * Ensure that openqa-cli api actually returns an error if the response is not something usable, e.g. an error and not JSON 
 * Check how we invoke `jq` in the scripts repo and maybe reuse the `_common` file as we already download a file from that repo but should clone the repo or something
